Chandra Shekhar Azad

Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Etawah

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Name : Professor  N.K. Sharma
Designation : DEAN
Email address :
Mobile No. : 9411869189

Brief History of the Degree Programme                        Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Etawah was established during the year 1994-95. This college is a faculty of Technology of Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur-U.P. The foundation stone of the College was laid down by Shri Mulayam Singh Yadav ji, the then Hon’able Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh on 8th October 1994. The main motto of the College is to make provision for education of mainly rural people of Uttar Pradesh and provide good facilities for research and extension in the field of Agricultural Engineering and Technology. The B. Tech. degree program in Agricultural Engineering was started in academic year 1994-95 with an annual intake of 60 students. The B. Tech. degree program in the disciplines of Electronics & Communication Engg and Computer Science and Engg has also started from the academic session 2002-03 respectively having intake capacity of 40 students in each disciplines and B.Tech. degree program in the discipline Mechanical Engineering has also started from the academic session 2003-04 with an annual intake of 40 students. Further, the PG programs (M Tech in Agricultural Engineering and Mechanical Engineering) also started from the academic session 2017-18 having intake capacity of 05 students in each disciplines.

The campus is spread over an area of about 113.71 acres. Besides this, there is a demonstration cum research farm of 22.5 acres. This technology campus of the University has well established workshop, Academic Building, Library, Advance Research Centre, Medical-health Centre, Girls (04) & Boys hostels (03), residential quarters (86) for staff, teachers and the Dean. The college from its very inception had adopted a very progressive policy and extended all possible facilities to the students for their better education and co-curricular activities. 1.2 Approved Departments:

  • Production Technology
  • Farm Machinery and Power Engg.
  • Soil and Water Conservation Engg.
  • Irrigation and Drainage Engg.
  • Post Harvest Technology and Food Engg.
  • Mechanical Engg.
  • Electronics and Communication Engg.
  • Computer Science and Engg.
  • Civil Engg.
  • Electrical Engg.
Under Graduate : B.Tech. (Agricultural Engineering)

B.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engg.)

B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engg.)

B.Tech. (Mechanical Engg. )

Post Graduate : M. Tech (Agricultural Engineering)

M. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

In Agricultural Engineering, college has a good infrastructure facilities in respect of laboratories equipped with equipments and machineries in Farm Machinery, Farm Power, Ergonomics, Hydrology, Soil Water & Conservation, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Post Harvest and Food Processing, Dairy Engineering and Renewable Energy.

In the discipline of Mechanical Engineering, we have very good workshop facilities comprising of machine shop, carpentry shop, blacksmith shop, fitting shop, welding shop and forging & moulding shop equipped with modern workshop machines and tools. In addition to this the laboratory facilities in heat transfer, heat engine, refrigeration & air conditioning, engineering drawing, material testing, measurement & meteorology are also available at this college. CAD Lab has also been established with required software.

To provide the effective teaching in the Electronics and Communication Engineering branch we have a good infrastructure of the labs viz Basic Electronics Lab, Analog Integrated Circuit Lab, Electrical Engineering, Instrumentation Lab, Micro-Processor Lab.

Above stated labs are equipped with modern equipment like transistor kits to perform transistor characteristics, OP-amp kits, PLL-kits, VCO-kits, filter kits, Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes (CRO), function generators, IC Tester, Power supply, various analog and digital ICs, kits for the measurement of temperature, strain, intensity of light, angular measurement etc. The microprocessor lab is equipped with the kits of 8085, 8086 along with the interfacing facilities. The electrical lab is equipped with transformer and DC machine to understand the various concepts of transformer and DC machines.

We have a liasioning with the prestigious institutions like HBTU Kanpur, KNIT Sultanpur, IET Lucknow, IIT Kanpur, AMU Aligarh, SHUATS Prayagraj, DTU etc. to provide exposure in various fields of this discipline as per their requirement.

To run the course of Computer Science & Engg., the department consists of NKN fibre optical and wi-fi by Jio India for internet facility, all computers are connected with LAN facility and many softwares are available as per the requirement of undergraduate students. This department comprises many labs such as networking lab, computer application lab, data structure lab etc. to run the computer courses smoothly. The efforts are being made to improve networking lab and others lab by procuring the different software. Faculty Members

Sr No. In charge Designation / Discipline Email ID.
1 Dr. N.K. Sharma Professor & Dean , Physics
2 Dr. D. Singh Professor, Chemistry
3 Dr. J.P. Yadav Professor, Mechanical Engg.
4 Dr. H.C. Singh Professor, Extension Education
5 Dr. Devendra Kumar Assoc. Professor, PHP&FE
6 Dr. Rajeev Singh Assoc. Professor, Agri Business management
7 Dr. T.K. Maheshwari Asstt. Professor, Farm Power and Machinery
8 Er. P.K. S. Bhadauria Asstt. Professor, Civil Engg.
9 Er. M.A. Hussain Asstt. Professor, Civil Engg.
10 Er. Dileep Kumar Verma Asstt. Professor, Computer Science & Engg.


1.3 Mission, Goals and Objectives: 1.3.1 Mission: To make provision for quality education and provide good facilities for research & extension for the students of rural areas and scientists in the field of Agricultural Engg. & Technology. 1.3.2 Goals: To fulfill the above mission, the following goals are set.

  • To teach and train the students in the field of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. in order to make them resourceful in Post Harvest Technology, Farm Mechanization, Water Management, Crop Production, Computer science, Socio-economic aspects and related technologies.
  • To provide basic knowledge required conducting the experiments to generate suitable technologies for the benefit of farming community and agro based industries.
  • To train them as competent extension personnel to disseminate various production technology to the beneficiaries.
  • To provide facilities to faculty members for research and extension in the field of Agricultural Engg. & Technologies.

Objectives and Mandates

  • To teach and equip the students to become qualified engineers/scientists having following qualities:
  • Having breadth and depth of technical knowledge in chosen field along with strong understanding of basic sciences and humanities.
  • Capacity to apply the knowledge to real life problems.
  • Innovative, creative and problem solving capabilities.
  • Ability for self learning and adaptation to changing circumstances.
    Awareness of global and national perspectives in the fields of related engineering and technology.
  • To have inter disciplinary knowledge.
    Professional competence and personal traits of value to industries.
    Capacity for team work.
  • Intellectual honesty and professional ethics.
  • Understanding of society, culture and global processes.
  • To under take and apply research in different aspects of agricultural engineering covering production plant protection, value addition, marketing and management.
  • To disseminate proven technologies in the field of agricultural engineering for the benefits of farming community.
  • To develop technology suitable for the region in the field of farm power and agro-energy, farm machinery and equipment, soil and water engineering, post harvest and process engineering, food and dairy engineering, and other related areas.
  • To organize programs related to transfer of technologies for agriculture and rural development in the region.
    To collaborate with other agencies involved in teaching, research and developmental programs in the field agricultural engineering nationally and internationally.
  • To provide consultancy services to farmers and other engaged in agricultural and rural development particularly in application of engineering principles and practices.
  • To provide the students necessary exposure to the recent developments in the field of Agricultural Engineering in various agro-climatic zones at State and National levels through both State and All India educational tours and visits.

Academic Programs and Curricula

2.1 Programs offered with duration: The College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah is offering undergraduate degree leading to B.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) since from 1994-95 from its inception and also started  offering B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engg., Computer Science & Engg. and Mechanical Engg. as given below.

Table 2.1, Degree programs at CAET, Etawah

Sr. No. Year Degree Program Duration Remarks
1994-95        on wards B.Tech. Agril. Engg. 4 Years/ 08 Semesters Semester system
2002-03          on wards B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg. 4 Years/08 Semesters Semester system
2002-03           on wards B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg. 4 Years/08 Semesters Semester system
2003-04         on wards B.Tech.  Mech. Engg. 4 Years /08 Semesters Semester system

2.2 Curricula:

The curricula followed at this college are given in Table 2.2

  • Medium of Instruction: The medium of instruction at this college is English.
  • Academic Regulations: The College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah has followed all the academic regulations and course curricula as prescribed by ICAR and approved by the academic council of the University from 1994-95 to 1998-99. From 1999-2000, the 3rd Deans’ Committee Report and from 2008-09 4th Dean’s Committee Report  on Agricultural Education as accepted by ICAR has been adopted by the College of Agril. Engg. & Tech., Etawah, for B.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) program and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) model curricula for Electronics & Communication Engg, and Computer Science & Engg during 2002-03 and Mechanical Engineering from 2003-04. The details of curricula followed at this college since introduction of degree programs are given in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2- Curricula followed at CAET, Etawah

Year Subject No. of Credits prescribed for completing the degree Students evaluation system Grading scale Minimum OGPA to get the degree
2007-08* Agril. Engg. 183 as per ICAR model curriculum 50 % Internal
50 % External
10 point 5.0/10.0
2002-03** Electronic & Commn. Engg.** 238 including  tutorials* 50 % Internal
50 % External
10 point 5.0/10.0
2002-03** Computer science & Engg.** 242 including  tutorials* 50 % Internal
50 % External
10 point 5.0/10.0
2003-04** Mech. Engg.** 243 including  tutorials* 50 % Internal
50 % External
10 point 5.0/10.0

*    As per 4th Deans’ Committee report from 2007-08 and

5th Deans’ Committee report from 2016-17

** As per AICTE model curriculum from 2003-04

  • Curricula Development and Process of Approval: The proposal for revision, inclusion or deletion of any course will be first prepared by the concerned teacher(s) and discussed in detail in the staff meeting of the concerned Department and after necessary modifications based on suggestions of the staff members, the proposal will be placed in the faculty meeting at College level by the concerned Professor & Head under the chairmanship of Dean, wherein the proposal will be discussed and approved. The final approved proposal will be sent to the Secretary of Academic Council of the University for placing in the A.C. meeting. The proposal after approval of the Academic Council with or without any modifications will be sent to the College in the form of modification by the Registrar of the University for Information of all staff members and academic unit which will display the same on the Notice Board for information of the students.
  • Courses Prescribed for the Degree Program: From 1994-95 to 1998-99 of B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.) students admitted under semester system were offered 60 courses with 169 credits for I.Sc. PCM group and 62 courses with 177 credits for I.Sc. Ag. group of students in a period of 8 semesters. From 1999-2000 on wards all the students admitted under semester system were offered 57 courses with 163 credits in a period of 8 semesters with the introduction of 70% external evaluation system. From 2007-08 onwards forth dean’s committee report was opted and students offered 58 courses and 183 credits.  During 2002-2003 the students of B.Tech (Electronics & Communication Engg) and B. Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engg.) were admitted under semester system and being offered 75 courses with 238 credits and 77 courses with 242 credits including tutorials respectively and during 2003-04 students of B.Tech. (Mechanical Engg.) were admitted and offered 78 courses with 243 credits as per ACTE syllabus.

First Year Students in Classroom

First Year Students in Classroom

Evaluation System Followed:

  • Under graduate level: The students who have been offered a prescribed number of courses in each semester are evaluated for 100 marks, including 50% internal, 50 % external but in the courses where there is no practicals classes internal marks are evaluated out of 20 marks (mid term), remaining 80% marks are automatically allotted for external examination The total marks obtained in each course are converted to grade poit on a 10-point scale and the grade point average for all the courses are computed for each semester. A student is eligible to obtain his degree if gets a minimum Overall Grade Point Average (OGPA) of 5.5 out of 10.
  • The University publications like college prospectus, course syllabus, academic rules & regulations etc., are supplied to each of the student at the time of his/her admission to various degree programs. The annual report of the College containing Teaching, Research, Extension, Administrative and Student Welfare activities is prepared every year and sent to the University for compiling and inclusion in the Annual Report of the University. In addition, the college has brought out a printed brochure furnishing information about the college.
  • Faculty interaction for students development: In addition to regular courses offered by the teachers, special coaching classes are arranged for the benefit of final year students who aspire to take up ICAR’s- Junior Research Fellowship and IIT GATE examinations for perusing higher studies leading to M. Tech. Degree program. In this regard, teachers have been designated as group leaders for each of the disciplines like farm machinery power, soil water conservation, post harvest technology etc. who are entrusted with the responsibility of arranging special lectures by identifying the teachers/ scientists in the concerned subjects. The special coaching classes have two fold objectives, firstly to prepare the interested students for facing JRF examination, secondly to prepare the students for GATE examination. Model question papers similar to ICAR-JRF examination are prepared in each course and the students are taught the mode of answering the questions. In addition, coaching classes for comprehensive examination in each discipline are arranged by the concerned disciplines. Further, the students are advised about the Job opportunities in different Govt. and Private sectors and also trained them to take up competitive examinations. Some times, the campus interviews are conducted for providing certain jobs by the private organizations. In the ICAR JRF examination, 2002 our college was at first position in the country on the basis of successful candidates in JRF Ag. Engg. discipline.

2.3 Methods to encourage teaching-learning process:

2.3.1 Instructional method:

  • Conventional class room instruction: The theory classes are conducted by the concerned teacher through conventional classroom instruction. In many departments several charts, models and transparencies related to the subjects have been developed/procured, which are being used as teaching aids in conducting theory and practical classes. However, students are given full liberty to ask any question related to the subject taught to clarify their doubts.
  • Special lectures: Special guest lectures on the topics related to the courses offered are arranged by inviting the Scientists of CSAUAT, Kanpur, and HBTI Kanpur, IIT Kanpur and other colleges as well as officials of State Development Departments.
  • Home Assignments: Home assignments on some topics related to the courses offered are given to the students.
  • Others: In addition to the above, the students are taken to various Research Stations, Scientific organizations, Tractor industry and other related organizations during educational tours (State Tour & All India Tour)

2.3.2 Instructional material:

  • Distributional of lecture schedules: In most of the courses, the lecture schedule (both for theory and practical), list of reference books, tentative schedule of examination and mode of evaluation are distributed to all the students during first week of the semester.
  • Distribution of instruction materials: The instructional materials for practical classes are prepared in the form of Laboratory or Practical Manuals and are distributed to all the students within 1-2 weeks of the commencement of the semester.

2.4 Evaluation of teaching program:

At present teaching proramme in respect of quality of teaching and courses offered, facilities available and problems of the campus are assessed through students’ discussions with faculty members.

2.5 Feed back from Alumni about teaching program:

Although formal evaluation of teachers so far has not been done but it is planned to be done through students by providing suitable proforma and guidelines.

2.6 Teaching Load

The details of teaching load followed at this college since all disciplines wise are given in Table 1 & 2

Discipline Undergraduate Programme
Credits Contact Hours Total
Agricultural Engineering
(i) Farm Power & Machinery 18(11+7) 11×18+7×36 450
(ii) Processing and Food Engineering 19(13+6) 13×18+6×36 450
(iii) Soil & Water Engineering 18(12+6) 12×18+6×36 432
Agricultural Science 4(3+1) 4×18+1×36 108
Basic Science & Humanities 18(15+3) 15×18+3×36 378
Social Sciences 6(5+1) 5×18+1×36 126
Basic Engineering
(i)  Civil Engg. 20(11+9) 11×18+9×36 522
(ii) Computer Science & Electrical Engineering 14(7+7) 7×18+7×36 378
(iii) Mechanical Engineering 19(12+7) 12×18+7×36 468
General Agricultural Engineering 7(0+7) 0x18+7×36 252
Cafeteria Courses 17(11+6) 11×18+6×36 414

The Faculty

The quality of the faculty is vital to promote academic excellence in teaching, research & extension pursuits.

3.1 Department-wise faculty positions:

The College of Agril. Engg. & Tech. Etawah has 10 departments in agricultural and basic engineering and 3 sections in allied and basic science. The faculty position both sanctioned and filled-up is given below

Table 3. 1 Faculty positions at CAET- Etawah:

Sr. No. Designation Posts sanctioned Filled Vacant
1. Dean 1 1
2. Professor 2 2
3. Assoc. Prof. 7 04 3
4. Asstt. Prof. 14 08 6
Total 24 12 12

* Attached with post from the university

Around 30 % of the faculty members possess Ph.D. qualification and the remaining faculty members have master degree in the concerned subjects.

Department wise faculty positions at CAET, Etawah are given in Table 3.2

3.2 Faculty Composition for the last five years:

Out of five Professors, none of the posts have been filled up and as such all the head of departments are under in charge arrangement. During last 4 years the post of Dean, 4 associate professors and 2 assistant professors were filled and 3 assistant professors with posts have been attached to the college from the university.

Table 3.2: Department wise faculty positions

Sr. No. Name of Deptt. Sanctioned Posts Filled Posts Vacant Posts
Prof. Assoc Prof. Asstt. Prof. Prof. Assoc Prof. Asstt. Prof. Prof. AssocProf. Asstt. Prof.
1. College Dean 1 1
2 Production Engg.
3 Soil Water Cons-ervation Engg. 1 1
4 Farm Power Mach. 1 1 1 1
5 Post Harvest Process & Food Engg. 1 2 1 2 1 1
6 Irrigation & drainage Engg.
7 Electronics & Comm. Engg. 1 1
8 Computer Engg. 1 1 1 1
9 Mechanical Engg. 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 Civil Engg. 1 2 2 1
11 Electrical Engg. 1 1
12 Agriculture & Basic Sciences (Section) 6 4 2
Total 3 7 14 4 8 3 3 6


Details of Academic Staff

Sl No. Name (s) of the Teaching Faculty Designation / Descipline
1. Dr  Harish Chandra Singh Professor (Extension Education)
2. Dr Mohd. Gufran Professor (Soil & Water Conservation)
3. Dr JP Yadav Professor (Mechanical Engg. )
4. Er Devendra Kumar Assoc. Prof. (Processing & Ag. Structure)
5. Er VK Verma Assoc. Prof. (Processing & Ag. Structure)
6. Dr Devendra Singh Assoc. Prof. (Chemistry)
7. Dr N K Sharma Assoc. Prof. (Physics)
8. Er Rajeev Singh Asstt. Prof. (Business Management)
9. Er T K  Maheshwari Asstt. Prof. (Farm Power & Machinery)
10. Er. P.K.S. Bhadauria Asstt. Prof. (Civil Engg. & Maintenance)
11. Er. M.A. Hussain Asstt. Prof. (Civil Engg.)
12. Er. Dileep Kumar Verma Asstt. Prof. (Computer Science & Engg.)

Non Teaching Staff (non-plan)

Sr. No. Name Designation
Sri Satyendra Pal Director – Phy. Education
Dr. Shaukeen Singh Asstt. Registrar
Sri Subhash Chandra Yadav Asstt. Workshop Suptt.
Sri Brijesh Kr. Yadav Farm Suptt.
Sri Balram Lab Tech. Grade-I
Sri Jai Singh Yadav Accountant
Sri Shiv Shankar Lab Tech. Grade-I
Sri Brijesh Kumar Lab Tech. Grade-I
Sri Shivshankar Yadav Office Suptt.
Sri Munni Lal Lab Tech. Grade-I
Sri Gyan Prakash Lab Tech. Grade-I
Sri Laxmi Kant Tripathi Lab Tech. Grade-I
Sri Rajeev Kumar Yadav Auto Mobile Mechanics
Sri Rajeev Kumar Yadav Cataloger
Sri Sanjeev Kumar Jr. Engg. Civil
Sri Amit Tiwari Auto Mobile Mechanics
Sri Suresh Prakash Technical Asstt.
Sri Dinesh Kumar Compounder
Sri Nand Kumar Tiwari Technical Asstt.
Sri Sarvesh Kumar Technical Asstt.
Sri Subodh Yadav Technical Asstt.
Sri Manish Kumar Sahai Lab Tech. Grade-II
Sri Sarvesh Kumar Tripathi Lab Tech. Grade-II
Sri Nawal Kishor Gupta Dresser
Sri Satish Kumar Nigam Technical Asstt.
Sri Santosh Kumar Dubey Exm. Asstt.
Sri Gyan Singh Adm. Asstt.
Sri Surendra Singh Tractor Operator
Sri Amit Kumar Jr. Clerk cum Store Keeper
Sri Vinod Kumar Jr. Clerk cum Store Keeper
Sri Rajendra Kumar Asstt. Accountant
Sri Mahboob Hasan Sr. Clerk
Sri Balgovind Against of Tractor Operator
Sri Ramesh Babu Jr. Clerk
Sri Tej Singh Jr. Clerk cum Typist
Sri Rajesh Babu Jr. Clerk cum Typist
Sri Pankaj Kumar Jr. Clerk cum typist
Sri Sushil Kumar Carpenter
Sri Munna Lal Driver
Sri Gopaljee Thakur Driver
Sri Jagdish Singh Electrician
Sri Shrikrishan Tubwell Operator
Sri Anil Kumar Medial Attendant
Shri Narendra Singh Tubwell Operator
Sri Yogendra Pal Singh Cyclostyle men
Sri Vinay Kumar Agrawal Cyclostyle men
Sri Manmohan Daftri
Sri Rajnarain Singh Helper Mechanic
Sri Ram Prakash Helper Mechanic
Sri Dheer Singh Cleaner for vehicles
Sri Brijesh Kumar Field Attendant
Sri Sunil Kumar Cleaner for vehicles
Shri Vimal Kumar Field Attendant
Shri Ram Prakash Electrical Sub Station Attd.
Shri Arvind Kumar-A Lab Attendant
Sri Vijay Kumar Mail Messenger/Peon
Sri Asad Ahamed Lab Attendant
Sri Rajveer Singh Store Attendant
Sri Rama Kant Lab Attendant
Sri Chandrashekhar Store Attendant
Sri Kamlesh Kumar Store Attendant
Sri Raghuveer Singh Lab Attendant
Sri Mushtaq Ahamed Lab Attendant
Sri Mukesh Kumar Lab Attendant
Sri Shyam Sundra Electrical Sub Station Attd.
Sri Brijendra Kumar Lab Attendant
Sri Amarnath Lab Attendant
Sri Ramnaresh Stenographer
Sri Ravindra Kumar SIngh Store Attendant
Sri Dinesh Kumar Mail Messenger/Peon
Sri Rajendra Singh Lab Attendant
Sri Subedar Halwaha
Sri Mohd. Manjur Electrical Sub Station Attd.
Sri Manoj Kumar Katiyar Electrical Sub Station Attd.
Sri Rajpal Singh Ward Boy
Sri Netra Pal Singh Lab Attendant
Sri Man Singh Lab Attendant
Sri Raghuveer Mail Messenger/Peon
Sri Shiv Kumar Mail Messenger/Peon
Sri Arvind Kumar B Lab Attendant
Shri Mohd. Hussain Lab Attendant
Sri Man Singh Daftari
Sri Ram Chandra Lab Attendant
Sri Amrit Singh Auchar
Sri Ram Niwas Cattleman
Sri Dinesh Auchar
Sri Raghuvee Singh Auchar
Sri Ramesh Auchar
Sri Ram Naresh Auchar
Sri Shivraj Singh Auchar
Smt. Layak Sri Lab Attendant
Sri Ram Kishor Same pay same work

3.4 Mode of appointment of the Head of the Department and his duties:

The heads of departments are appointed amongst professors of the concerned department. The head of departments at College co-ordinate the teaching works of their departments. They shall work under overall guidance of the Dean of the faculty.

3.5 Faculty Development:

Some of the faculty development programs include deputation for higher studies, participation in refresher courses, summer institutes, seminars, workshops, guest lectures, computer training and so on. University is permitting the faculty to participate in the above programs without any cost to the University. However, University is granting leave with pay for pursuing higher studies as per ICAR guidlines.

The faculty participation in Workshops and Seminar during last four years ranged from 6-78%, followed by refresher courses (0-21%) and assistant and associate professors for Ph.D studies seminar (9%). The experience gained through faculty development has been effectively utilized in teaching program and also for developing research proposals.

3.6 Faculty Strength:

  • National / International Conferences organized: Due to inadequate infrastructure, lack of funds and logistical facilities, the college is not in a position to host/conduct National Workshops/conferences.
  • Competence of faculty to conduct international training programs: Some of the faculties have gained considerable expertise and they do have competence in organizing International/National training programs. But due to severe crunch for funds and inadequate infrastructure facilities, the faculty is not in a position to organize the National/International training programs.
  • Category wise faculty with academic qualifications.
Category No. of faculty Ph.D M.Tech/ME/M.Sc
Dean/Professor 01 01
Professor 02 02
Assoc Prof. 04 02 02
Asstt. Prof. 05 01 04

Students Profile

4.1     Students enrolment in different degree programs: Baba Sahab Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Etawah was started in the year 1994-95 and is offering under graduate degree program leading to B.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) of 4 years duration since then. Now it has also started B.Tech degree programs in Computer Science & Engg. and Electronics & Communication Engg. from the session 2002-2003. The intake approval for admission is 40 students per year, in B.Tech. Agril. Engg. and 40 students per year in electronics and communication Engg (ECE), and Computer Science & Engg (CSE) each.  The actual enrolment of students was 480 against 620 during 1994-95 to 2002-2003. 4.2     Admission policy: Students are admitted to the under graduate programs through UPCATET (Uttar Pradesh Combined Agriculture and Technology Entrance Test) conducted by Agriculture Universities of Uttar Pradesh rotationally. Seats are allotted according to the merit of the students in UPCATET and their choice at the time of counselling. Provision has been made for admitting 15% students in Agricultural Engineering through ICAR Quota. 4.3     Teacher-Student Ratio: The teacher-student ratio in the college is 1:15 including contractual teachers for theory and practical classes and is at per with the report of forth Dean’s Committee of ICAR. The above teacher-student ratio has been worked out by taking the average of students studying in all the four years of degree program for theory & practical classes as well as teachers engaged on contractual basis. 4.4     Students Financial Aid: Financial assistance to the needy students is being provided through UP Samaj Kalyan Vibhag and ICAR Delhi. 4.5     Students Counselling & Placement Service at the College: Students on their admission are divided into convenient batches by the Dean and each batch is assigned to one of the teachers, who are designated as Student Advisor. The advisor maintains the counselling record of the student in the format prescribed by the University. The advisor also establishes personal rapport with students assigned to him by periodical meetings, in order to understand their problems and provide remedial measures as may be necessary in consultation with the course teacher (s), and the Dean concerned. It is compulsory that the student on his own interest should meet the advisor from time to time in a semester failing which the advisor shall not sign the registration card for the next semester.

Among other things, the advisor helps the students in planning their academic programs. Only the designated advisor signs the registration card of the student. However, the concerned Head of Dept. or Dean in the absence of designated advisor can sign the registration card. All representations from the students are routed through their respective advisors. The advisor reports the progress of his advisee to the parent/ward in the prescribed format at regular interval. Names and designation of advisors from 1994-95 to 2014-15 of CAET, Etawah are given in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6 List of students’ advisors of CAET, Etawah.

S.No. Name of the Advisor Designation
Dr. H.C. Singh Professor (Extension Education)
Dr. Mohd. Gufran Professor (Soil & Water Conservation)
Dr. J.P. Yadav Professor (Mechanical Engg. )
Er. Devendra Kumar Assoc. Prof. (Processing & Ag. Structure)
Er. V.K. Verma Assoc. Prof. (-do-)
Dr. Devendra Singh Assoc. Prof. (Chemistry)
Dr. N.K. Sharma Assoc. Prof. (Physics)
Dr. Rajeev Singh Asstt. Prof. (Business Management)
Er. T.K. Maheshwari Asstt. Prof. (Farm Power & Machinery)
Er. P.K.S. Bhadauria Asstt. Prof. (Civil Engg. & Maintenance)
Er. M.A. Husain Asstt. Prof. (Civil Engg.)
Er. D.K. Verma Asstt. Prof. (Computer Science & Engg.)

4.8 Students’ placement:

Placement services are extended to the students in the following ways;

  • The students are provided full details about the job opportunities, higher educational facilities and different competitive examinations for Engg. graduates in an orientation program.
  • Request by various private companies for recruitment of Engg graduates are given wider publicity among students community & especially for final B.Tech (Agril. Engg..) students.
  • Tech.. final year students are advised to get registered for their placement under Directorate of training and placement at the University level through training and placement cell at the college level.
  • Many times, on campus interviews are arranged for direct selection of graduates to different companies.

4.9 Students Training:

Two months training is essential for B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.) students. One is after second year and another is after third year. The organization to which students are sent for the training are CIAE, Bhopal, Northern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute Hissar (Haryana), Central Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institute, Budni (MP), Southern Farm Machinery Training & Testing institute, Anantpur (AP), TAFE, Chennai and other related organizations.

4.10   Students Achievements:

Out of 417 graduate passed out so far from this College, 36% are perusing their higher education leading of M.Tech. (Agril / ECE / CSE / ME), 8% are in Govt. services, 4% in university and ICAR service, 42% are in private services including Bank and 10 % are self-employed.

Achievements in Sport & Extra Curricular Activities : The winner students of College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech, Etawah of CSAUAT, Kanpur.

Sport Activities

4.11   Sport & Physical Education facilities for the students:

An area of 13000 m2 has been allocated for main playground in CAET, Etawah campus which is used for multipurpose events like Athletics, Football, Cricket Volleyball, Kho-Kho & Badminton. The Athletic track is maintained and the area is earmarked for Long-Jump, High Jump and for throwing events. The area adjacent to southern end of the main playground is allocated for indoor game centre to cover the needs of Table tennis, Shuttle and Gymnasium. One of the halls available in medical health centre of the college nearer to this playground is being utilized for Table Tennis & Gymnasium facilities. The gymnastic equipments like bench press apparatus, weight lifting setts, dumbbells, chest expanders, bull workers, power grips weighting machine, parallel bar have been procured for students use.

Physical education is compulsory for all B. Tech.. Students. The college has one Physical Education superintendent of physical education to conduct practical classes. During Physical education program, greater attention is given for students’ physical fitness programs through involvement in various sports activities combining both indoor & outdoor events.

4.12   Students Involvement in NSS & NCC programs:

There is no NCC wing at this college however application has been made to concerned authorities to provide this facility. The students are actively involved in NSS Program. It is one unit course upto fourth semester of B.Tech Agril. Engg. program, however B.Tech. Students of other branch are also encouraged to participate in NSS programs.

National Service Scheme (NSS) is a noble way of academic expansion. It aims at extending and transfering knowledge, sharing experience which may ultimately lead to development of a community, society, state and country.  Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur has introduced NSS as part of the curriculum in all undergraduate degree programs with effect from the academic year 1994-95. Accordingly, the program was initiated in this college also with effect from 1995-1996 by constituting on Advisory Committee headed by Dean as Chairman and Program Officer as the member convener. Every year, students are enrolled for NSS as volunteers. Last year, NSS camp was held at village Kunera and similarly this year also a 7 days special camp was also organized at the outskirt of Etawah city in a primary school near Kunera from 22.2.2013 to 28.02.2013. The following activities were carried out during the camp.

  • Group discussion on natural resource conservation with special emphasis on water harvesting.
  • Group discussion on need of appropriate farm mechanization.
  • Awareness regarding renewable source of energy.
  • Introduction of processing of produce at village level.
  • Group discussion on AIDS awareness.
  • General cleaning of the surroundings of school and public places.
  • Tree planting program.
  • Levelling of undulated play grounds in the school premises.
  • Agricultural exhibition to create the awareness about modern agricultural technologies at Sarai Bhupet. Village
  • Poster competition on AIDS awareness.

Photo 4.2: Activity of National Service Scheme

Photo: 4.3. Camp work of Boys students in NSS      Photo 4.4 : Camp work of Girls students in NSS

 Fig. 4.4: One Day Camp organized at CAET, Campus

4.13   Students Involvement in Cultural Activities:

The College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech, Etawah is conducting cultural program regularly by the students for the students and staff. These programs are organized and conducted by the Cultural secretary designated of this purpose in co-ordination with other teachers and supporting staff. The cultural programs are organized on Engineer’s day, New Year’s Day and Notational festival days through students and staff participation.

The various cultural and literary competitions are conducted on different occasions and prizes are distributed at college level. The essay writing and debate competitions are organized by the Student’s Engg. Society. Various activities are also organized through this society.

1.3.4 Future projections:

Postgraduate programs in the disciplines of Farm Machinery Power, Post Harvest Technology and Soil & Water Conservation Engineering are being proposed. The B. Tech.. degree programs in Electronics & Communication Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering have been started since academic session 2002-03 and B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering program from academic section 2003-04.

1.4 Organizational Structure of the college:

The flow chart of organizational structure of the college is given

Photo1.1: Administrative Building of the College
Organizational Structure


Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College of

  Agricultural Engineering & Technology, Etawah



Click Here To Faculty List

Photo 1.2: Academic Building of the College

1.5 Appointment of Dean and his duties: The appointment of the Dean, Faculty of Technology, at Etawah is made as per statute 26. (1-2) of CSAUAT, Kanpur, through an advertisement. The term of office of Dean of faculty of technology shall be for a period of 3 years and shall be eligible for reappointment for second term with the approval of Board of Management The Dean of faculty shall have the following powers and duties.

  • He shall be responsible for the organization and conduct of teaching, research and extension work of the departments comprised in the Faculty and for that purpose shall pass such orders as might be necessary in consultation with the Head of the Department concerned.
  • He shall look into and be responsible for the due observance of the other regulations relating to the Faculty.
  • He shall preside over meetings of the Board of the Faculty.
  • Without prejudice to the right of any member to present any matter to Board of the Faculty, he shall formulate and present policies to the Board of the Faculty for its consideration.
  • He shall make reports to the Vice-Chancellor on the work of the College.
  • He shall supervise the registration and progress of the students in the College.
  • He shall be responsible to the Vice-chancellor for the educational use of the building and rooms assigned to the college and for the general equipment of the college as distinct from that of the separate department.
  • He shall serve as the medium of communication for all official business of the college with other authorities of the University, the Students and the public.
  • He shall normally represent the college for specific conferences.
  • He shall prepare the budget of the college in consultation with the Advisory Committee of the College.
  • He shall be entitled to grant casual leave to the teachers of the Faculty.


1.6 Planning Process and Priority Setting:
1.6.1 Short term planning:

This includes planning of allotment of courses for each semester, internal and external examinations, students’ cultural and literary activities and sports activities. The courses for each semester for new branches are decided by faculty members and thereby approved by academic council of the university. To guide the students for their future prospects faculty advisors are nominated by the Dean. There is a library committee who monitors the activities and progress of the library periodically. In order to look after the hostels, a team of wardens are working under the guidance of chief warden. For the research and extension activities and training programs for farmers faculty members submit research proposals based on the local needs of the farmers and industries.


1.6.2 Long term planning:

Academic Activities: Introduction of new branches of Engg. & Technology and post graduate courses in any branch requires upgradation of laboratories, provision of adequate teaching aids and mobility.

Developmental Activities:

The development activities are:

  • Appointment of faculty & staff members
  • Auditorium for conducting seminars
  • Upgradation of laboratories
  • Expansion of sports facilities
  • Strengthening of library.

1.7     Staff Position:

Staff Postion (Suplement with ICAR Norm)

Sr. No. Name of Deptt. Sanctioned Posts Filled Posts Vacant Posts
Prof. Assoc Prof. Asstt. Prof. Prof. Assoc Prof. Asstt. Prof. Prof. AssocProf. Asstt. Prof.
College Dean 1 1
Production Engg.
Soil Water Cons-ervation Engg. 1 1
Farm Power Mach. 1 1 1 1
Post Harvest Process & Food Engg. 1 2 1 2 1 1
Irrigation & drainage Engg.
Electronics & Comm. Engg. 1 1
Computer Engg. 1 1 1 1
Mechanical Engg. 1 1 1 1 1 1
Civil Engg. 1 2 2 1
Electrical Engg. 1 1
Agriculture & Basic Sciences (Section) 6 4 2
Total 3 7 14 4 8 3 3 6

1.8 SWOT Analysis & Summary
1.8.1.  Strength

  • Appropriate workshop facility
  • Sound infrastructure facility
  • Appropriate field for demonstration of equipment machinery

1.8.2. Weakness

  • Technical/supporting staff must provided opportunity with latest awareness/technology.
  • Lack of faculty in discipline of Agril Engg. viz Farm Power & Machinery, Soil & Water Conservation Engg and Post Harvest Process & Food Engg.
  • To strengthen of existing infrastructure is to be required.

1.8.3 Opportunity

  • To increase the intake capacity in Agril Engg/ Mechanical Engg. branch.
  • To start P.G. programm.
  • Inter disciplinary research.
  • Present infrastructure may be utilized to provide the in-plant training to students of other Institutions.

1.8.4. Threat-ness

  • Poor entry level of students.
  • intake of students should be from UP Tech. University.
  • Advance training to teachers for advance courses.

1.9 Summary

Agricultural Engineering discipline with intake capacity of 40 students is running satisfactorily. By filled up faculty positions, by increasing students’ intake capacity upto 60 and by strengthening of existing infrastructure development are appropriate to fulfill the requirement.

1.2.1 Agricultural Engineering

In Agricultural Engineering college has a good infrastructure facilities in respect of laboratories equipped with equipments and machineries in Farm Machinery, Farm Power, Ergonomics, Hydrology, Soil Water & Conservation, Irrigation and Drainage Engg., Post Harvest and Food Processing, Dairy Engg and Renewable Energy. Syllabus for B.Tech Agricultural Engineering Syllabus for M.Tech Agricultural Engineering

1.2.2. Mechanical Engineering

In the discipline of Mechanical Engg., we have very good workshop facilities comprising of machine shop, carpentry shop, blacksmithy shop, fitting shop, welding shop and forging & moulding shop equipped with modern workshop machines and tools. In addition to this the laboratory facilities in heat transfer, heat engine, refrigeration & air conditioning, engineering drawing, material testing, measurement & meteorology are also available at this college. CAD Lab has been also with required software been established. Syllabus for B.Tech Mechanical Engineering (Old) Syllabus for B.Tech Mechanical Engineering (New) Syllabus for M.Tech Mechanical Engineering

1.2.3. Electronics and Communication Engineering

To provide the effective teaching in the Electronics and Communication Engineering branch we have a good infrastructure of the labs which are as follows:

  • Basic Electronics Lab
  • Analog Integrated circuit Lab
  • Electrical Engg.
  • Instrumentation Lab
  • Micro-Processor Lab

Above stated labs are equipped with modern equipment like transistor kits to perform transistor characteristics, OP-amp kits, PLL-kits, VCO-kits, filter kits, Cathode ray Oscilloscopes (CRO), function generators, IC Tester, Power supply, various analog and digital ICs, kits for the measurement of temperature, strain, intensity of light, angular measurement etc. The microprocessor lab is equipped with the kits of 8085, 8086 along with the interfacing facilities. The electrical lab is equipped with transformer and DC machine to understand the various concepts of transformer and DC machines.

We have a liasioning with the prestigious institutions like HBTU Kanpur, KNIT Sultanpur, IET Lucknow, IIT Kanpur etc. to provide exposure in various fields of this discipline as per their requirement. Syllabus for B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering (Old) Syllabus for B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering (New)

1 .2.4 Computer Science & Engineering

To run the course of Computer Science & Engg., this department consists of ISDN line, dialup connection and V-SET for internet facility, all computers are connected with LAN facility and many softswares are available as per the requirement of undergraduate students. This department comprises many labs such as networking lab, computer application lab, RDBMS lab, data structure lab etc. to run the computer courses smoothly. The efforts are being made to improve networking lab and others lab by procuring the different softwares. Syllabus for B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering (Old) Syllabus for B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering (New)

1 .2.5 Dairy Technology

Syllabus for B.Tech Dairy Technology

1 .2.6 Fisheries Science

Syllabus for B.Tech Fisheries Science

Faculty Profile Description

Name : Dr. Nagandra Kumar Sharma
Employment Id. :
Designation : Dean
Qualification :
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Basic Sciences & Humanities
Email address :
Mobile No. : 9411869189
Name : Dr. Devendra Singh
Employment Id. :
Designation : Professor
Qualification :
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department :
Email address :
Mobile No. : 9458421516
Name : DR. Devendra Kumar

Employment Id. :
Designation : Associate Professor
Qualification :
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : ECM, Home Science
Email address :
Mobile No. : 09412395019


Name : Er. Dileep Kumar Verma

Employment Id. :
Designation : Assistant Professor (Computer Science & Engg.)
Qualification :
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Email address :
Mobile No. : 7417171401
Name : Dr. Harish Chandra Singh
Employment Id. :
Designation : Professor
Qualification :
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Extension Education
Email address :
Mobile No. : 9412520177
Name : Er. Mohammad Ahmad Hussain

Employment Id. :
Designation : Assistant Professor (Civil Engineering)
Qualification :
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Faculty Of Engineering & Technology
Email address :
Mobile No. : 9412653786


Name : Dr. Rajeev Singh
Employment Id. :
Designation : Associate Professor(Business Management)
Qualification :
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Agril.Engg. & Technology
Email address :
Mobile No. : 9532834476


Name : Dr. Tarun Kumar Maheshwari

Employment Id. :
Designation : Assistant Professor in Farm Power and Machinery
Qualification :
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
Email address :
Mobile No. : 9412396368


Name : Prof. (Dr.) J.P. Yadav
Employment Id. :
Designation : Professor (Mechanical Engineering)
Qualification :
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
Email address :
Mobile No. : 9411241616
Qualifications with Profile
Ph D, [International Journal – 22, National Journal – 06, International Conference – 14+01 (Abroad), International  workshop – 01 (Abroad),  National Conference – 25, Seminar / Conference organized – 06, Books – 01, Lead Lectures – 03, Practical Manual – 08, Projects – 83(UG+PG), Short Term Course – 09, Life Membership – 04, Awards Received – 05, Folders – 03, Magazine Editor – 02, Research Adhoc Project – 01],                                                                                 Left the Dept. wef. 01.Nov.2021
Name : Er. Sukriti Sachan
Employment Id. :
Designation : Asstt Prof. (Contractual)
Qualification : M.Tech.
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Email address :
Mobile No. :
Qualifications with Profile
M Tech. [Practical manual – 2, Projects – 02, National seminar -01, National workshop – 2, FDP – 2, STC – 04]
Name : Er. Mohit Yadav
Employment Id. :
Designation : Asstt Prof. (Contractual)
Qualification : M.Tech.
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Email address :
Mobile No. :
Qualifications with Profile
M Tech, [International Journal – 01, Projects – 02, Project manual – 02, National workshop – 1, FDP – 01]
Name : Er.  Subash Chandra
Employment Id. :
Designation : Asstt Workshop Supdt
Qualification : B.Tech.
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Email address :
Mobile No. :
Qualifications with Profile
B Tech, [Projects – 04]
Name : E.r  Vijay Kant
Employment Id. :
Designation : Guest Faculty/ Teaching Associate
Qualification : M.Tech.
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Email address :
Mobile No. :
Qualifications with Profile
M Tech, [International/ national seminar – 03, Projects – 03, National conference -02, National workshop – 3]
Name : Er. Devendra Singh
Employment Id. :
Designation : Guest Faculty/ Teaching Associate
Qualification : M.Tech.
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Email address :
Mobile No. :
Qualifications with Profile
M Tech, [International Journal – 15, National Journal – 4, M.Tech Projects – 12, STC – 04]
Name : Er. Ashish Kuamr
Employment Id. :
Designation : Guest Faculty/ Teaching Associate
Qualification : M.Tech.
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Email address :
Mobile No. :
Qualifications with Profile
M Tech. [International Journal – 01, Projects – 04, National seminar -05, National workshop – 2, FDP – 01], Left the Dept. wef. 01.5.2022
Name : Ms. Shiwani
Employment Id. :
Designation : Guest Faculty/ Teaching Associate
Qualification : M.Tech.
Key Area of Specialization : —-
Department : Mechanical Engineering
Email address :
Mobile No. :
Qualifications with Profile
M Tech, [International Journal – 03, Projects – 02, National seminar -04, National workshop – 1, STC – 02], FDP – 01]

Photo Gallery

Project Work 

  1. Project work of Agril. Engg.
  2. Project work of B.Tech. Computer Science & Engg.
  3. Project Work of B. Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg.
  4. Project Work of B. Tech. Mechanical Engg.


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MoU Signed between ICAR-CIPHET Ludhiana & CSAUA&T, Kanpur. View/Download

 Press Release

Cultural Activities

4.8 Students’ placement:

Placement services are extended to the students in the following ways;

  • The students are provided full details about the job opportunities, higher educational facilities and different competitive examinations for Engg. graduates in an orientation program.
  • Request by various private companies for recruitment of Engg graduates are given wider publicity among students community & especially for final B.Tech (Agril. Engg..) students.
  • Tech.. final year students are advised to get registered for their placement under Directorate of training and placement at the University level through training and placement cell at the college level.
  • Many times, on campus interviews are arranged for direct selection of graduates to different companies.

4.9 Students Training:

Two months training is essential for B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.) students. One is after second year and another is after third year. The organization to which students are sent for the training are CIAE, Bhopal, Northern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute Hissar (Haryana), Central Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institute, Budni (MP), Southern Farm Machinery Training & Testing institute, Anantpur (AP), TAFE, Chennai and other related organizations.

Out of 417 graduate passed out so far from this College, 36% are perusing their higher education leading of M.Tech. (Agril / ECE / CSE / ME), 8% are in Govt. services, 4% in university and ICAR service, 42% are in private services including Bank and 10 % are self-employed. Achievements in Sport & Extra Curricular Activities : The winner students of College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech, Etawah of CSAUAT, Kanpur.

Sport Activities

4.11 Sport & Physical Education facilities for the students:

An area of 13000 m2 has been allocated for main playground in CAET, Etawah campus which is used for multipurpose events like Athletics, Football, Cricket Volleyball, Kho-Kho & Badminton. The Athletic track is maintained and the area is earmarked for Long-Jump, High Jump and for throwing events. The area adjacent to southern end of the main playground is allocated for indoor game centre to cover the needs of Table tennis, Shuttle and Gymnasium. One of the halls available in medical health centre of the college nearer to this playground is being utilized for Table Tennis & Gymnasium facilities. The gymnastic equipments like bench press apparatus, weight lifting setts, dumbbells, chest expanders, bull workers, power grips weighting machine, parallel bar have been procured for students use.

Physical education is compulsory for all B. Tech.. Students. The college has one Physical Education superintendent of physical education to conduct practical classes. During Physical education program, greater attention is given for students’ physical fitness programs through involvement in various sports activities combining both indoor & outdoor events.

4.12 Students Involvement in NSS & NCC programs:

There is no NCC wing at this college however application has been made to concerned authorities to provide this facility. The students are actively involved in NSS Program. It is one unit course upto fourth semester of B.Tech Agril. Engg. program, however B.Tech. Students of other branch are also encouraged to participate in NSS programs.

National Service Scheme (NSS) is a noble way of academic expansion. It aims at extending and transfering knowledge, sharing experience which may ultimately lead to development of a community, society, state and country. Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur has introduced NSS as part of the curriculum in all undergraduate degree programs with effect from the academic year 1994-95. Accordingly, the program was initiated in this college also with effect from 1995-1996 by constituting on Advisory Committee headed by Dean as Chairman and Program Officer as the member convener. Every year, students are enrolled for NSS as volunteers. Last year, NSS camp was held at village Kunera and similarly this year also a 7 days special camp was also organized at the outskirt of Etawah city in a primary school near Kunera from 22.2.2013 to 28.02.2013. The following activities were carried out during the camp.

  • Group discussion on natural resource conservation with special emphasis on water harvesting.
  • Group discussion on need of appropriate farm mechanization.
  • Awareness regarding renewable source of energy.
  • Introduction of processing of produce at village level.
  • Group discussion on AIDS awareness.
  • General cleaning of the surroundings of school and public places.
  • Tree planting program.
  • Levelling of undulated play grounds in the school premises.
  • Agricultural exhibition to create the awareness about modern agricultural technologies at Sarai Bhupet. Village
  • Poster competition on AIDS awareness.

Photo 4.2: Activity of National Service Scheme Photo: 4.3. Camp work of Boys students in NSS Photo 4.4 : Camp work of Girls students in NSS

Fig. 4.4: One Day Camp organized at CAET, Campus

4.13 Students Involvement in Cultural Activities: The College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech, Etawah is conducting cultural program regularly by the students for the students and staff. These programs are organized and conducted by the Cultural secretary designated of this purpose in co-ordination with other teachers and supporting staff. The cultural programs are organized on Engineer’s day, New Year’s Day and Notational festival days through students and staff participation.

The various cultural and literary competitions are conducted on different occasions and prizes are distributed at college level. The essay writing and debate competitions are organized by the Student’s Engg. Society. Various activities are also organized through this society.

Faculty- Students Interaction Forum

Faculty-students interaction session is held once in a semester under the Chairmanship of Dean, CAET, Etawah, in order to discuss academic and logical problems. There are various clubs such as sports, cultural, literary and adventure clubs to promote extra curricular activities among students. The designated professor/students engineering society executive member serves as chairman of the clubs. Student Engg. Society organizes various social and cultural activities in the campus for physical, moral and personality development of students at regular interval under the supervision and guidance of faculty members.

5.1 Students counselling:

Each professor is allotted with 8-12 students for an intense counselling as well as to review the overall performance of the students. A counselling meeting, once in a month is held where different problems and progress of the students is monitored and suggestions are offered by the advisors.

5.2 Students’ Engineering Society:

All the students of CAET, Etawah are members the Students Engg Society (SES). Dean is patron and two Associate Professors are advisors. Society is completely managed by the students through electing its executive council among them. The SES organizes many activities for students-faculty interaction regularly. Presently it is in the process of constituting afresh with some changes in its bye-laws.

5.3 Others:

NSS camp of students is also organized at village level once in a year. In the hostel, there is a separate hall where students can meet each other, relax, watch T.V and read news papers and magazines. There is also a separate hall for indoor games near by the hostel.

6. Library & Learning Centres

6.1 Library Establishment: This CAET, Etawah was established in 1994. Earlier education was imparted in UP State agriculture extension building, at that time library facility was present in the agriculture extension building it self. After that the whole educational activities was transferred to academic building of the newly built college in the year1997 and the separate library was established in its own building.

Photo 6.1 : Library Building

6.2 The Library committee:

The college library is functioning under the guidance of library committee comprising of following officers.

  • Dean, Chairman
  • Head of Departments member
  • Librarian central library member
  • College librarian, secretary

The functions of library committee are :

  • Reviewing and consolidation of journals and books indented by various departments for their procurement.
  • Advising preparation of estimates for budget proposal and monitoring the expenditure of the library.

Books and periodicals: There are 6234 titles of books of different disciplines of Engg. and allied subjects.

6.3 Library building:

The library building has two floors: ground floor and first floor. The ground floor has several cells namely:

  • Technical and catalogue cell
  • Librarian/administrative cell
  • News paper cell
  • Reprography cell
  • Book binding cell
  • Reference and journal cell
  • Books issuance cell

On the first floor of the library building there is facility of studying/learning of students.

6.4 Library Facilities:

The library has full facilities of electricity, generator and water. The library is well furnished. There are 20 Godrej almirah to contain books & journal/ magazines. The library also contains 12 double door bookshelf. There are four periodical frames available for reading newspapers and magazines. There are also five steel racks available in record room. At present following three B.Tech. degree programs are running in the college:

  • Agricultural Engg (1994-95).
  • Electronics and Communication Engg (2002-03).
  • Computer Science Engg (2002-03).
  • Engg. (2003-04).

As far as B. Tech. Agril. Engg. is concerned there are enough texts and reference books in the library. At the same time texts and reference books on humanities, management and agricultural sciences & basic sciences including basic engineering i.e. Electronics & communication Engg, Computer Science Engg and Mechanical Engg are concerned, there are 6234 books available, though this number is less than the required number of texts and reference books as per AICTE norms however these books are being purchased from the self finance budget head allocated during the current financial year 2014-15.

Journals available:

The following journals are available in the library:

  • Transactions of ASAE
  • Indian Journal of Agriculture Engg. Research (ISAE).
  • Agricultural Engg. Today
  • India Journal of dryland agricultural research and development.
  • Agricultural Extension Review.
  • Progressive Agriculture
  • Intensive Agriculture

Photo: 6.2. Reading room of the library

Magazines/Periodicals available:

In the library following magazines/periodicals are available.

  • India Today
  • Sport Star
  • Daily News
  • Computer News
  • Discovery
  • Science reporter

News Papers

  • Dainik Jagaran, Kanpur
  • Amar Ujala, Kanpur
  • Times of India, Delhi
  • Hindustan Times, Delhi

Besides these students project reports seminar reports development reports and news of different institutions are available.

6.5 Computer Centre:

CAET, Etawah has a computer centre with inter-net facilities. At this centre students can utilize this facility for their learning and literature search etc. Photo : Computer Centre

6.6 Library Learning Centre

Sr. No. Subject View/Download
List of Books in Library View/Download



7.1 Land: The total land area of CAET, Etawah is 58 ha which is divided into two parts. About 20 m wide National highway (NH-2) is passing through it. Total land area in hectares: Area under roads and buildings : 5.7 ha

Area under cultivation : 20.0 ha.

Sport field; etc. : 1.5ha

Area under lawns, parks etc. : 30.8 ha Total Area : 58 ha A site plan of CAET Etawah is enclosed herewith. Estate Office: This College has an Estate Officer under whom one J.E. and other staff are working. In near future one Asstt. Engineer (Civil) and a J.E. (Electrical) are to be appointed soon. Photo : 7.1: Activity Centre Photo 7.2 Guest House 7.2 Medical Health Centre : A medical health centre of an area of 1036 m2 is available having facilities of outdoor & indoor treatment. There is also Govt. hospital adjoining to college boundary. Photo : 7.3 Medical Health Centre 7.3 Academic buildings: Class rooms and laboratories: The College is presently having 10 lecture halls with floor area of 1650 sq. m. and 32 laboratories covering an area of 4607 sq m a computer centre with all facilities is also available. A separate of double storied administrative block with an area of 600 sq m is available with the college. Photo 7.4 : CAD Lab Photo: 7.4 Workshop Building Photo 7.5 Soil Conservation lab Photo : 7.6 Machine Shop Photo 7.8 : Chemistry Lab Photo 7.9 Extension Lab Photo 7.10 : Language Lab Photo 7.11 : Post Harvest Technology lab Photo 7.12 : Food & processing lab Photo 7.13 Civil lab Photo 7.14 Kinematics of Machine Lab Photo 7.15 Farm Power Lab Photo 7.16 : Farm Machinery Lab Photo 7.17 : IC engine Lab Field Laboratories: Soil and water conservation, irrigation, and drainage laboratories with model of open channels of various shapes, poly house and zero energy cool chambers; etc. are available at the field. A research farm with a farmhouse complex with all facilities is also available for student’s practicals and research. 7.4 Students Hostels:

  1. Hostel for Boys: The College has three separate hostels with a total capacity of around 300 single seats rooms in the academic campus for boys which can be doubled incase of need in future. These hostels are facilitated with kitchen, kitchen store, common hall, dinning hall, staff room, visitors’ room and cycle/scooter stands. Also in common hall T.V., News papers etc. are also available for the entertainment and reading of students.

Photo 7.18 Vishveshwarya Boys Hostel Photo 7.19 C.V. Pal Boys Hostel Photo 7.20 Dr. Kurian Hostel 2. Hostel for girls: The college has four separate hostels with single seated rooms which incase of need can be doubled in residential campus for girls. In these hostel premises kitchen, kitchen store, common hall, dinning hall, staff room and visitor’s room are also available. In the common hall TV, newspapers etc. are available for entertainment and reading. Photo 7.21 Kalpna Chawala Hostel Photo 7.22 Rani Laxmi Bay Hotel Photo 7.23 Malati Devi Hotel Photo 7.24 Captain Laxmi Sahgal Hostel 7.5 Staff residential facilities: There are one type VI quarter of 315.97m2 for Dean, 08 type V quarters of 226.34 m2 each for professors, 16 type IV-A quarters of 195 m2 each, 16 type VI-B quarters of area 137.12 m2each, 42 type III quarters of area 107.46 m2 each, 42 type II quarters of area 76.25m2 each and 12 type I quarters of area 38.9 m2 each for faculty and staff members. Staff residential facilities 7.6 Administrative building: An administrative building of double story having floor area of 600 m2 is available for Dean, Deputy Registrar, Deputy Comptroller & their staffs. Administrative Building Project Work 



  1. University is NAAC Grade B+
  1. Technical Courses of offered at Baba Sahab Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College of Agricultural Engineering & Technology Etawah like B. Tech. Agril. Engg., B. Tech. Computer Science & Engg., B. Tech. Electronics & Communication Engg. & B. Tech. Mechanical Engg.  are AICTE approved for academic year 2023-24 vide letter No. F.No. Northern/1-36475785027/2023/EOA Date: 15-May-2023
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College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 19-12-2024 Size: 1.40 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 18-12-2024 Size: 1.37 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 12-12-2024 Size: 1.04 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 10-12-2024 Size: 1.94 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 09-12-2024 Size: 1.27MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 08-11-2024 Size: 1.42 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 21-10-2024 Size: 0.76 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 8-10-2024 Size:1.10 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 30-7-2024 Size:2.15 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 23-7-2024 Size:2.46 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 18-7-2024 Size:2.26 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 25-6-2024 Size:1.18 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 14-6-2024 Size:1.35 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 6-6-2024 Size:1.11 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 21-5-2024 Size:1.11 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 17-5-2024 Size:1.02 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 12-5-2024 Size:2.09 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 29-4-2024 Size:1.15 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 24-3-2024 Size:1.28 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 10-3-2024 Size:0.84 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 04-3-2024 Size:1.01 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 28-2-2024 Size:0.86 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 15-2-2024 Size:1.16 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 12-2-2024 Size:1.01 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 09-2-2024 Size:1.28 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 28-1-2024 Size:1.05 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 25-1-2024 Size:0.25 KB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 22-1-2024 Size:1.25 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 09-1-2023 Size:0.85 KB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 27-12-2023 Size:1.05 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 20-12-2023 Size:1.15 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 16-12-2023 Size:1.05 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
Faculty Development Program View/Download
*मानवीय मूल्यों, संवेदना एवं व्यवसायिक नैतिकता पर कार्यशाला का आयोजन:* 85 सहभागियों ने प्रतिभाग करने के लिए कराया रजिस्ट्रेशन, पीपीटी के माध्यम से दी गई जानकारी View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 06-12-2023 Size:1.15 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 1-11-2023 Size:1.05 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 3-10-2023 Size:0.35 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 30-9-2023 Size:0.45 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 17-9-2023 Size:1.01 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
Press release News video on 15-9-2023. View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 12-9-2023 Size:1.97 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 26-8-2023 Size:1.34 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 25-8-2023 Size:0.54 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 7-8-2023 Size:1.33 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 3-8-2023 Size: 0.43 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 30-7-2023 Size:1.53 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 25-7-2023 Size:1.57 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download
College of Agricultural Engg. & Tech. Etawah in News on 25-7-2023 Size:1.57 MB | Lang: Hindi View/Download