About the department/Section
The Government of Uttar Pradesh vide G.O. No. B 5823/XIIB/3008/1962 dated April 01, 1963 Sanctioned the M.Sc. (Ag.) degree course in soil conservation at the Agriculture College Kanpur from July 1963 to cope with the need of suitable qualified personnel in the State Deptt. Of Agriculture to run successfully the various soil and water conservation programmes in the state.
Further stressed the need of imparting adequate training in water management at post graduate level. For this purpose the subject of Soil Conservation and Water Management which encompasses the management of water right from the time it falls the earth and its ultimate at the field level.
Hence a separate dept. of Soil Conservation and Water Management was established in the university in September, 1983.

To conserve natural resource viz, soil, water and vegetation
- Enhance the water use efficiency for sustainable agriculture production.
- Well planned scientific studies on impact of rain water harvesting on ground water recharge need to be strengthened. Eg. Khet ka pani khet me and gaon ka pani gaon me
- Crop planning in relation to climate resilient agriculture.
- Measures should be adopted to control unnecessary waste of water.
- To enhance the awareness about contamination of ground water due to use of agro chemicals and industrial effluent.
- To educate the students of UG/ PG/ Ph.D. programme in various aspect of Soil Conservation and Water Management.
- To identify the problems of soil erosion and degradation problems of rainfed areas of university service area and find out the possible solution by eco-friendly technology.
- To improve the technology of moisture conservation and boosting the food grain production in rainfed eroded area of Uttar Pradesh.
- To conduct the research on soil and water conservation practices in relation to rain water harvesting techniques to enhance water use efficiency of different crops.
Road map
To prepare teaching, research and extension specialists having integrated knowledge and skill of soil & water conservation engineering, soil science, conservation agronomy and forestry for dealing all related fields efficiently.
- To conduct research on soil and water conservation practices in relation to reduce runoff, soil and nutrient losses from the field.
- To adjudge most suitable crops varieties and cropping systems for rainfed and moisture stressed conditions.
- To judge economic and suitable technology of water harvesting for increasing ground water table.
- To determine the physical, physico-chemical and chemical properties of different problem soils in relation to conservation and management.
- To find out erodibility characteristics of different
- To develop economic and appropriate technology for enhancing irrigation water use efficiency.
- To manage watersheds for holistic development of rural people and check ecological degradations.
- To trains farmers and agencies involved in soil & water conservation programme.
- To educate the students of UG/ PG/ Ph.D. programme in various aspect of Soil Conservation and Water Management.
- To identify the problems of soil erosion and degradation problems of rainfed areas of university service area and find out the possible solution by eco-friendly technology.
- To improve the technology of moisture conservation and boosting the food grain production in rainfed eroded area of Uttar Pradesh.
- To conduct the research on soil and water conservation practices in relation to rain water harvesting techniques to enhance water use efficiency of different crops.
- Achievement
- 2 students selected in ARS through ASRB, 11 students selected in UPPSC working on the post of BSA,DAO,DHO, 23 students selected as Technical Assistant in state agriculture department of UP and adjoining states organization, 19 students selected in banking services and 8 working as Assistant Professor/Scientist in different organization.
- The major thrust of research, mostly done by PG students has been to find out relative suitability of different mechanical, agronomical and biological measures for erosion control with particular emphasis on land configuration, tillage, live bunds, mulching, inter row water harvesting, organic residue management, integrated nutrient management, suitable crops and cropping systems, weed control etc.
Salient Research achievements of practical significance are summarized below:
As application of organic mulch increase the crop yield upto 20% in rainfed areas.
- Developed productive and remunerative double cropping sequences under rainfed/dryland conditions of central U.P.
- Successfully demonstrated technology of Watershed development and management on a piece of 750 ha ravenous land at Rendhar in district Jalaun and made the area highly productive and prosperous.
- Department received National Productivity Award for three consecutive years.
- Developed efficient practices of soil and water conservation, crop production, alternate land use systems and contingency measures for higher and established crop production under rainfed conditions of Central Uttar Pradesh.
- A significant reduction in soil loss and runoff was observed by planting jowar, bajra and cotton in between the hedge rows of Sesbania sesban and Leucaena leucocephala.
- Developed suitability parameters in wheat and barley under moisture scarce conditions.
- Developed technology for achieving a yield potential of 18-20 q/ha of mustard and safflower under rainfed conditions on light textured soils.
- Tillage plays an important role on eroded lands. Summer ploughing after harvest of rabi crops or pre-mansoon deep ploughing as preparatory tillage have been found to conserve extra moisture resulting in 3.9 q/ha higher yield of cotton and 9.5 q/ha of sorghum ‘Varsha’, respectively.
- Leucaena leucocephala based alley cropping system not only gave higher yield and total biomass production but also increased nutrient status and physical condition of soil as compared to pure cropping of sorghum, pearl millet, maize etc.
- Erodibility Characterization of 5 watershed viz; Rendhar, Ghatampur, Sheetalpur, Jharghat and Babina.
- Prepared teaching manual, field manual, published 10 books and also contribute books chapter by the scientist of the department.
- More than fifteen Adhoc projects handled by the department.
Coming Soon…
Course Code |
Discipline/Course title |
Credit Hrs |
B.Sc. (Hon.) Ag. |
SCW-111 |
Introduction to Forestry (I Semester) |
2(1+1) |
SCW-121 |
Soil & Water Conservation Engineering (II Semester) |
2(1+1) |
SCW-321 |
Rainfed Agriculture & Watershed Management (VI Semester) |
2(1+1) |
B.Sc. (Hon.) Horticulture |
NRM-122 |
Water Management in Horticultural crops (II Semester) |
2(1+1) |
NRM-313 |
Introductory Agroforestry (V Semester) |
2(1+1) |
M.Sc. (Soil Conservation & Water Management) |
(A) Major Course |
SCW-501 |
Soils and soil Conservation (I Semester) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-502 |
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering (I Semester) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-503 |
Conservation Forestry & General Silviculture (II Semester) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-504 |
Water Management & Conservation Farming (I Semester) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-505 |
Watershed and Wasteland Management (III Semester) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-506 |
Soil Physics in soil & Water Conservation (II Semester) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-507 |
Rain Water Harvesting and Management (IV Semester) |
2(2+0) |
(B) Minor Course |
SCW-508 |
Chemistry of Problem Soils & Their Management (III Semester) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-509 |
Conservation Irrigation and Drainage (II Semester) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-510 |
Agro forestry and Agrostology (IV Semester) |
3(2+1) |
(C) Supporting courses |
AES-512 |
Experimental Design (I Semester) |
3(2+1) |
AGR-509 |
Agronomy of Fodder and Forage Crops (IV Semester) |
3(2+1) |
(D) Seminar |
SCW-591 |
Course Seminar |
01 |
Ph.D (Soil Conservation & Water Management) |
(A) Major Course |
SCW-601 |
Advances in Soil Physics in Relation to Soil Conservation (I Sem.) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-602 |
Advances in Soil Conservation Engineering (I Sem.) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-603 |
Advances in Soil Conservation Forestry (II Sem.) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-604 |
Advances in Conservation Farming (II Sem.) |
3(2+1) |
SCW-605 |
Recent Advances in Soil Conservation and Water Management (III Sem.) |
3(2+1) |
(B) Minor Course |
SAC-601 |
Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (I Sem.) |
3(2+1) |
SAC-602 |
Soil Water Plant Relationship (I Sem.) |
3(2+1) |
SAC-603 |
Physiological Disorders |
01 |
(C) Supporting courses |
AES-606 |
Agricultural Statistics (II Sem.) |
3(2+1) |
(D) Seminar |
SCW-699 |
Thesis Seminar |
Head of the Department |
Name |
: |
Prof. (Dr.) Kaushal Kumar |
Date of Birth |
: |
14-02-1969 |
Designation |
: |
Professor & Head (13.12.2024) |
CollegeDepartment |
: |
College of Agriculture,
Soil Conservation and Water Management |
Contact Info |
Office Info |
Personal Info |
Phone : 0512-2534164
Mobile: : 8992370602
Email : : kaushal@csauk.ac.in |
Phone :0512-2534164
Mobile: 9450159644
Email : kaushal@csauk.ac.in |
Name |
: |
Prof. (Dr) Munish Kumar |
Date of Birth |
: |
04-03-1966 |
Designation |
: |
Professor |
Ex-HOD (10.12.2021 to 13.12.2024) |
CollegeDepartment |
: |
College of Agriculture
Soil Conservation and Water Management |
Contact Info |
Office Info |
Personal Info |
Phone :
Mobile: : 9838109895
Email : :munish.csa@gmail.com |
Phone :
Mobile: 9838109895
Email : munish.csa@gmail.com |
Name |
: |
Dr. Sarvesh Kumar |
Date of Birth |
: |
20-05-1976 |
Designation |
: |
Professor, Deptt. of Soil Conservation & Water Management at Kanpur |
CollegeDepartment |
: |
College of Agriculture
Soil Conservation and Water Management |
Contact Info |
Office Info |
Personal Info |
C.S. Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur – 208002
Mo. – 9935202988, 9369935526
Fax- 0512-2533808 of CSAU Kanpur
Email-ID:sarvesh200517@csauk.ac.in sarvesh200517@rediffmail.com |
C-65 CSA Campus Colony ,C. S. A University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur – 208002 |
See More Details |
Organogram of Department (Officer and Employee)
S. No. |
Name |
Designation |
Work Allotted |
Work Place |
Telephone/Mobile |
E-mail |