Chandra Shekhar Azad

College of Dairy Technology

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Dr. N.K. Sharma

Mob: 9411869189

The college of Dairy Technology is dedicated to academic excellence in undergraduate programme in dairy education since 2015. Moreover, the quality of dairy education is gaining distinct momentum in over the years. Degree programme in Dairy Technology have drawn a prime attention after college education with Agriculture / science background. Research scholar and scientist are also becoming more interesting in the area of Dairy Technology education and research. Furthermore, the students are acquainted with various facts of professionally managed dairy industries, which include production management, raw material purchase, personnel management and sales and marketing by virtue of industrial In-plant training. This helps students to get faith and confidence to work as highly professional human resource for food industry.

The college has different departments, which not only help in the smooth functioning of the academic activities but also provide the growing technocrats with the expertise guidance. Under New Education Policy (NEP – 2020), we envisage to run certificate and diploma courses in coming session 2021-22 to create competent technician level human resource for the dairy industry. Beside it, college is ready to implement multiple entry-exit system (MEES) in B.Tech. Dairy Technology in upcoming session.


College of Dairy Technology, Etawah


            Dairy Technology

            Dairy Chemistry 

            Dairy Microbiology

            Dairy engineering

            Dairy Extension

            Dairy Economics and Dairy Business Management

Administrative Body:-

  1. Dr. A.K. Singh ,Vice Chancelor
  2. Dr. N.K. Sharma, Dean, College of Dairy Technology
  3. Prof. Ved Prakash, College of Dairy Technology
  4. Dr. P.K. Singh,Director,AES
  5. Prof. P.K. Upadhayay,Registrar
  6. Dr. Munish Kumar ,Dean, student welfare
  7. Dr T K Maheswari, ADSW, Etawah- Campus
  8. Sri. Dinesh Kumar ,Comptroller
  9. Rajeev Singh Dy comptroller,Etawah –Campus  


Coming Soon…
Coming Soon…
Coming Soon…



The library has a good collection of literature, comprising 273 on Dairy technology (Dairy microbiology, Dairy chemistry, Dairy engineering, Management Etc.) books and other reference materials.

Presently we are providing reading facilities to approximately 175, readers including students, teachers/scientist, staff and visitors etc.

The library open from 8.00 AM to 6.00 PM on working days.

Guest house :

             The College of Dairy Technology have two well-furnished Guest Houses.

UG, Degree Syllabus:-

Semester wise distribution of courses


S.No. Course Code Title of the courses Credit hours
1 DEN 101 Workshop Practice 2 (1+1)
2 DEN 102 Fluid Mechanics 3 (2+1)
3 DEN 103 Engineering Drawing 1 (0+1)
4 DMB 101 Fundamentals of Microbiology 3 (2+1)
5 DBM 101 Milk Production Management & Dairy


3 (2+1)
6 DBM 102 Communication Skills 2 (1+1)
7 DBM 103 Computer and application Software Packages 2 (1+1)
8 DCH 101 Biochemistry 2 (1+1)
9 DBM 104 Environmental Studies 2 (1+1)
Total 20(11+9)


S.No. Course Code Title of the courses Credit hours
1 DEN 104 Thermodynamics 2 (1+1)
2 DCH 102 Physical Chemistry of Milk 3 (2+1)
3 DEN 105 Heat & mass Transfer 3 (2+1)
4 DEN 106 Boilers and Steam Generation 2 (1+1)
5 DEN 107 Basic Electrical Engineering 3 (2+1)
6 DMB 102 Microbiology of Fluid Milk 2 (1+1)
7 DBM 105 Economic Analysis 2(2+0)
8 DCH 103 Chemistry of Milk 3 (2+1)
Total 20(13+7)
Student READY Rural Dairy Work Experience Programme-I (Summer Break) 5 (0+5)


S.No. Course Code Title of the courses Credit hours
1 DTH 201 Market Milk 4 (3+1)
2 DTH 202 Traditional Indian Dairy Products 3 (2+1)
3 DEN 201 Refrigeration & Air-conditioning 3 (2+1)
4 DEN 202 Dairy Engineering 3 (2+1)
5 DTH 203 Fat Rich Dairy Products 3 (2+1)
6 DTH 204 Condensed & Dried Milks 4 (3+1)
7 DCH 201 Human Nutrition 2(1+0)
Total 22(15+7)


S.No. Course Code Title of the courses Credit hours
1 DEN 203 Dairy Process Engineering 3 (2+1)
2 DMB 201 Starter Cultures and Fermented Milk


3 (2+1)
3 DMB 202 Microbiology of Dairy Products 2 (1+1)
4 DTH 205 Cheese Technology 5 (3+2)
5 DTH 206 Ice-cream & Frozen Deserts 3 (2+1)
6 DCH 202 Chemistry of Dairy Products 3 (2+1)
7 DBM 201 Fundamentals of Dairy Extension 3 (2+1)
Total 22(14+8)
Student READY Rural Dairy Work Experience Programme-II (Summer Break) 5 (0+5)


S.No. Course


Title of the courses Credit hours
1 DEN 301 Instrumentation and Process Control 3 (2+1)
2 DMB 301 Quality and Safety Monitoring in Dairy Industry 3 (2+1)
3 DTH 301 By Products Technology 3 (2+1)
4 DTH 302 Packaging of Dairy Products 3 (2+1)
5 DCH 301 Chemical Quality Assurance 2 (1+1)
6 DBM 301 ICT in Dairy Industry and Operation Research 4 (2+2)
7 DBM 302 Marketing Management and International Trade 2 (2+0)
Total 20 (13+7)


S.No. Course


Title of the courses Credit hours
1 DEN 302 Food Engineering 3 (2+1)
2 DEN 303 Material Strength & Dairy Machine Design 3 (2+1)
3 DEN 304 Dairy Plant Design and Layout 2 (1+1)
4 DMB 302 Food and Industrial Microbiology 3 (2+1)
5 DTH 303 Sensory Evaluation of Dairy Products 3 (2+1)
6 DTH 304 Food Technology-I 3 (2+1)
7 DCH 302 Food Chemistry 3 (2+1)
8 DEN 305 Energy Conservation and Management 2 (1+1)
Total 22 (14+8)


S.No. Course


Title of the courses Credit hours
1 DTH 401 Student READY in-Plant-Training 20 (0+20)
Total 20 (0+20)


S.No. Course


Title of the courses Credit hours
1 DTH 402 Dairy Plant Management 2 (1+1)
2 DTH 403 Waste Disposal and Pollution Abatement 2 (1+1)
3 DTH 404 Food Technology-II 3 (2+1)
4 DBM 401 Entrepreneurship Development and Industrial Consultancy 2 (1+0)
5 DBM 402 Financial management & Cost Accounting 3 (2+1)
6 DBM 403 Industrial Statistics 2 (1+1)
7 DTH 405 Student READY Experiential Learning Module 10 (0+10)
Total 24 (10+14)

 PG Syllabus:-

           It is under process after getting the approval by competent authority, it will be started shortly

Certificate & Diploma Syllabus:         


Th. + Prac.

Paper-I Milk Processing DTH-110 2+1
Paper-II Milk Products Manufacturing DTH-111 3+2
Paper-III Livestock Breeds and Their Health Management AHD-112 3+1
Paper-IV Feeds & Feedings of Dairy Animals AHD-113 2+1
TOTAL (10+5)=15
Paper-I Culture Handling and Marketing DMB-120 3+2
Paper-II Packaging of Milk & Milk Products DTH-121 3+1
Paper-III General Live Stock Management AHD-122 2+1
Paper-IV Fodder and Forage Crop Production AHD-123 2+1
TOTAL (10+5)=15
Paper-I Adulteration and Their Testing of Milk and Milk


DCH-210 3+2
Paper-II Setup of a Chilling Center and Small Dairy Plant DEN-211 3+1
Paper-III Reproductive Management in Farm Animals AHD-212 3+1
Paper–IV Farm Economics and Marketing DBM-213 1+1
TOTAL (10+5)=15
Paper-I Care and Management of Lactating Animals for

improvement of Quality and Quantity of Milk

AHD-220 3+1
Paper-II Animal Husbandry and Extension AHD-221 1+1
Paper-III Introduction to Livestock, Clinical Procedure and

Dairy Farm Practices

AHD-222 3+6
TOTAL (7+8)=15


Coming Soon…

Extra Curricular Activities & Students Welfare:-

 Sports & Cultural Activities

The students of college of dairy technology are always encouraged to participate in activities outside the classroom that enrich the cultural, physical and social life of the students. Spacious lush green  playgrounds along with stadium are provided near the student’s hostels and necessary facilities exist for various outdoor games and athletic events. There are facilities also for indoor games in gymnasium hall. The students are also encouraged to participate in poetical recitation, music competition/youth festivals/games and sports etc. organized by this college and participation in other universities to represent C.S.A University Kanpur.

Bronze Medal in National Agri Sports Meet 2020 & University Annual  Sport Event