Chandra Shekhar Azad

Crop Physiology

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About the department/Section

The Department of Crop Physiology, Chandra Shekhar Azad University  of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, made an humble start in 1948 with the setting up of Crop Physiology section at Lucknow as a small research unit under the Department of Agriculture, Uttar Pradesh. The section was transferred to Kanpur in 1963. After the establishment of the erstwhile U.P. Institute of Agricultural sciences at Kanpur, it was upgraded in March, 1971 with the merger of nascent Biochemistry unit, leading to formation of Division of Crop Physiology and Biochemistry. Since then the Division was activily engaged in research, teaching and extension activities. Soon after M.Sc(Ag.) and Ph.D.Programmes were introduced. With the up gradation of the Institute into the Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, at Kanpur in 1975, the Division became an integral part of the University. A separate Department of Agricultural Biochemistry was established in 1983 with the transfer of  Biochemistry Component to it.

The Department of Crop Physiology is one of the leading Department of the University catering teaching, Research and Extension services on crop Physiology since very long for the benefit of students. Teachers/Scientists and farming community as well.

Mission:Improvement in the physiological processes to increase efficiencies of crops for enhancement in productivity.
Vision: Being Agriculture based economy, the resultant effect of teaching and research of crop physiology would be beneficial to farmers through integration of all three functional wings of the university namely, teaching, research and extension.
  1. To ensure quality teaching with updated syllabus for U.G. and PG students through its ICT techniques.
  2. To motivate the students for their bright career.
  3. To conduct basic and applied research on physiological aspects under changing climatic scenario to harness higher production.
  4. To disseminate the technologies for the benefit of farmers.

Major Research Achievement

  1. In mungbean, zinc @ 5.0 kg. ha-1was found more  effective with regard to  response of growth, metabolism, yield contributing character and seed yield of mungbean. Among mungbean variety (IPM 2-3) was appeared more responsive than other varieties tested (PDM-139, Sweta, K-851).
  2. In mungbean, foliar application of M.H. and coumarin @ 20ppm proved to be an effective treatments in inhibiting bud dormancy in mungbeanunder standing crop.
  3. In paddy, foliar spray of 1.0% iron as ferrous sulphate either at 30 or 45DAT on paddy variety Saket-4 produced maximum seed yield and its yield attributing charactersIn paddy, foliar spray of 1.0% iron as ferrous sulphate either at 30 or 45DAT on paddy variety Saket-4 produced maximum seed yield and its yield attributing characters.
  4. Under rainfed condition foliar application of zinc sulphate (0.5%)+ urea (2%)+thiourea (500ppm) at 50% of flowering stage on lentil variety KL-320 were appeared more effective and increased growth, yield contributing characters and produced  higher seed  yield(14.8q/ha) over control (10.5q/ha) followed by variety KLB-303(13.2q/ha).
  5. GA-60ppm spray at pre branching stage on Rajmash variety Azad-1  gave best response in 100 seed weight(42.4g) and seed yield (2268 kg/ha) as compared to control (1978 kg/ha).
  6. In Gram, variety K-850 gave higher seed yield with the foliar spray of thiourea 500ppm at branching  stage due to high biological yield per plant, RWC %, Chlorophyll content in leaf, 100 seed weight (g) and number of pod/plant than other varieties as these  all characters recorded higher over control including yield/plant.
  7. In Wheat, foliar application of GA3 40ppm gave significantly highest grain yield 4362.25kg/ha along with highest value of yield attributing parameters. Next to this, was Tria 2.5ppm which exhibited 4299 kg/ha yield.
  8. Experiment conducted two Kharif season, five paddy variety i.e.Usar-3, NDR-50011,PMO-44,Sambha Mansoori& K-1509 with three level of salinity (5,10,15dSm-1)including control. On the basis of two years result in higher salinity level Usar-3 and K-1509 were identified as salt tolerance and rest are found were susceptible to salt tolerant.
  9. On the basis of two year experimentation, on an average higher grain yield produced by genotype KU-9905 (1195kg/ha) followed by Shekhar-3 (1165 kg/ha and Azad-3(1140 kg/ha) among the tested genotypes. These varieties also recorded higher leaf area/plant at pre flowering ,NAR between pre and flowering and flowering stage, higher chlorophyll intensity (%), number of pods and 100 –seed weight and grain yield/plant. These genotypes are physiologically efficient to produce higher grain yield..highest grain yield (958kg/ha) in Urdbean crop as compared to control(824kg/ha).
  10. On the basis of two years experimentation on an average higher yield/plant produced by KPMR-911 (22.8g/plant) followed by Swati (22.2g/plant) among tested genotypes. These genotypes also recorded higher leaf area/plant at flowering, NAR value between flowering and post flowering. Yield contributing character viz. number of pods/plant, number seed/pod and higher dry matter/ plant were also noted higher in these genotypes.
  • Research Paper Publication (2016-2020)
  1. Govind Narayan, H. C .Singh, M.A. Klhan, S.N.Singh, Sarvesh Kumnar and A.K.Singh (2016) “Association of characters  and selection parameters for quality traits in Maize (Zea Mays l.) as influenced by late sown and drought condition. Indian J. Agril. Biochem. 29(1) 108-111.
  2. Abhishek Kuma, Lallu, Munna Singh and Krishna Kumar(2016) “Phytotoxicity of fluoride in Gaur (cyamopsis tetragonoloba) cultivars and its, effect on morpho-physiological and biochemical traits.” Indian Agric. Biochemic 29(2)219-223.
  3. Abhishek Kuma, Munna Singh, Krishna Kumara and Lallu (2016)Fluorides inhabits root water transport and affects morpho-physio-biochemical characteristics in Gaur (cyamopsis tetragonoloba) Indian Agric. Biochemic 29(2)227-230.
  4. Verma, U.Singh, Kumar A. and Tripathi, D.K.(2016) Yield performance of mungbean variety following application of growth regulators. Bichem. Cell Arch. 16(1):157-161.
  5. Utpal Singh Verma, P.N.Verma,D.K.Tripathi,Lallu, O.P.Singh, & S.N.Singh, (2017)” Effect of PGR on morpho-physiological traits of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L,) Advance in Life Sciences6(1):17-20.
  6. Utpal Singh Verma, P.N.Verma & D.K.Tripathi, (2017)” Growth performance of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) variety under application of growth regulato rTrend in Bio-Sciences,10(18):3269-3272
  7. Surendra Kumar,D.K.Tripathi, S.N.Singh, O.P.Singh, Lallu, M.A. Khan & Sanjeev Kumar(2017)” Response of plant growth regulators on biochemical analysis, quality and yield of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) under rainfed condition. Biochem.Cell Arch.,17(2):527-529.
  8. Surendra Kumar, D.K.Tripathi,S.N.Singh,O.P.Singh, Lallu,Abhishek Kumar & Sanjeev Kumar(2017)” Effect of growth hormone on growth parameters flowering and yield traits of field pea(Pium sativum L.) under rainfed condition. Biochem.Cell Arch. 17(2):545-547.
  9. Laxmi Prajapati & S.P.Kushwaha(2017) Physiological assessment of growth regulators on growth, yield and quality traits of Basmti rice (Oryza saativa L.) Journal of Pharmaces  gnosy an phyto chemistry.JPP 2017:6(5):164-166.
  10. B. Verma,Mohad Aslam and Ram Pyare and Jitendra Singh,(2017) Effect of Zinc supply on its biochemical and Economic return of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties under late sown conditions.Agrilways5(1) January-june.
  11. N. Singh(2018) The effect of foliar application of thiourea and potassium nipali on physiological growth at different stages of sesame (Sesame indicum L.) Journal of pharmacognsy and phytochemistry vol.7(2) 2156-2158.
  12. Kapil Kumar, S,N,Singh, and MA.Khan(2018) Response of Morpho-physiological traits and grain yield of wheat varieties to foliar applied different doses of boron and thiourea under two sowing dates.International Journal of chemical studies 6(2) 2918-2924.
  13. Kapil Kumar, Poonam Singh and S.N.Singh (2018)” Influence of foliar spray boron and thiourea doses on biochemical and productive tillers of wheat cultivars in two sowing conditions Journal of pharmacgnoty and phytochemicstry 7 (2)3440-3452.
  14. Kapil Kumar, S.N.Singh,R.K.Singh and O.P.Singh (2018) “Effect of several doses of born and thoiourea on morpho-physiological characters and harvest index of wheat varieties in different sowing condition. International Journal of chemical studies  6(2)3690-3696.
  15. Vinay Kuamar Yadav, Anil Kumar Singh, Shubham Kumar Srivastava &Meera Srivastava (2018) “Effect on foliar application of Thio-Urea on Morpho-physiological and yield potential in different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars under drought and irrigated conditions. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy Vol. 7 (II), 45-49,(2018)
  16. Vinay KumarYadav, Anil Kumar Singh, Shubham Kumar Srivastava &Meera Srivastava (2018) Effect of foliar application of  Thio-Urea on physiological,   biological and yield potential in different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars under drought and irrigated conditions.” International Journal of development Research (IJDR) Vol.:08(09):22614-22617 ,(2018)
  17. Laxmi Prajapati, P. Kushwaha, Lallu and D.K. Tripathi (2018) Quality and yield of Basmati Rice as affected by growth regulators. Indian Journal  Agriculture Biochem. Vol.31(1) 86-88 (2018).
  18. Nirmal Kumar, Deepak Kumar Rawat, Amit Kumar and P. Kushwaha (2018)” The response of different bio-regulators on growth and physiological traits of hybrid rice Journal of Pharmacognory and Phytochemistry Vol. 7 (4): 257-260,(2018).
  19. Nitin Maurya, O.P. Singh, N.Singh, Pawan Gautam and Amit Kumar (2018) “Manuscript effect of temperature on mrpho-physiological traits with respect of grain yield of basmati rice. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 7(5) 412-  416 (2018).
  20. Nitin Maurya, O.P.SinghS.N.Singh, D.K.Tripathi and Amit Kumar (2018)“To find out suitable Time of Transplanting of different varities of Basmati Rice with respect to yield” International Journal of current Microbiology and applied Science 7(09) : xx-xx (2018)
  21. Girish Goyal, V. K. Verma, Ram Pyaree. D. Yadav, Karam Husain and C.B.Verma (2018) “Studies on the effect of zinc, Iron and FYM on growth, yield and quality improvement in timely sown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties. International Journal of Chemical studies  Vol.:6(5):2078-2082,(2018)
  22. Vinay Kuamar Yadav, Anil Kumar Singh, Prashansha Singh, Rajnish Kumar,Shubham Kumar Srivastava Vikas Yadav and Ram Kalap Yadav (2019) “Effect on foliar application of potassium nitrate  Morpho-physiological and yield potential in different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars under drought irrigated conditions” International Journal of Chemical studies  :7(1):1896-1899 , (2019)
  23. Vinay Kuamar Yadav, Anil Kumar Singh, Prashansha Singh,Rajnish Kumar,Shubham Kumar Srivastava Vikas Yadav and Ram Kalap Yadav (2019) “Effect on foliar application of potassium nitrate on physiological, biochemical  and yield potential in different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars under drought irrigated conditions.”Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry Vol.:8(2):254-257(2019).
  24. B.Verma,Shashank Srivastava,Vinit Dixit,Mohd. Aslam and P,N, Nigam,(2019) “Effect of Zinc supply on growth, yield and chemical characteristics of Chickpea (Cicer aretinum L,) varieties Progressive Agriculture: Vol.19(1):28-34 Society of Recent Development in Agriculture(2019).
  25. B.Verma,Shashank Srivastava,Vinit Dixit,Mohd. Aslam and P,N, Nigam,(2019) Physiological traits and productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in relation to foliar spray of zinc, urea and thiourea under rainfed condition” Agricultural Science Digest vol. :39 Issue 2 (April June,2019).
  26. Vivek Kumar and S.P. Kushwaha Effect of exogenously applied growth regulators on mrpho-physiological and biochemical attributes of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Journal of Pharmacology and photochemistry9 (4) : 1045-1051 (2020)
  27. Laxmi Prajapati, S.P. Kushwaha and Ram Bharose, Response of foliar applied growth regulators on yield and quality traits of Basmati Ric e (Oryza sativa L.) Current   Journal of   applied Science and Technology


  1. Nitin Maurya, A.K. Singh, A.H. Khan, O,P.Simgh and MO Nisar. Effect of Zinc su;phate on germination , growth and yield of wheat (Titicum aestivum L,) International Journal of Current microbiology and applied ScienceSpecial issue-11:x:-xx(2020)
  2. Shubham Kumar Srivastava, A. K. Singh, Sanjay Kumar Triapthi, Vikas Yadav, Mayank Pratap  and Pradip kr. Saini   Effect of  foliar application of Thiourea on morph physiological and physiological parameters in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L,) cultivar under terminal heat condition. The Pharma Innovation journal


  1. Vikas Yadav, S.P. Kushwaha, Ajay Kumar, Pawan kumar Gautam, Subham Kr. Srivastava, Shanshank Srivastava and Maynker Singh Effect of growth regulators on growth phonological and biochemical traits of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under reduced irrigation situation

The Pharma: Innovation Journal (12): 279:282 (2020)


  • Enhancement of yield and quality parameters in vegetable, fruits and spices crops through use of bio-regulators.
  • Crop responses towards major and minor nutrients including bio-fertilizers to enhance yield.
  • Screening of new crop varieties for their tolerance to different abiotic stress.
  • Identification and characterization of new promising genotypes of cereals, pulses and oilseeds with simple physiological traits to be used in breeding programme to break yield barrier under climate sustainable research.
  • Understanding the physiological basis of weed Management in field/vegetable crops.
  • To undertake research work on nutrient use efficiency and water use efficiency of crop varieties under climate change.


  • Scientist of the department will participate in KishanMela, KishanGosthi, and Interaction with farmers on physiological problems related to farming.
Coming Soon…

 Courses offered UG. PG and Ph.D

B.Sc. Ag.(Hons.)
Semester Course No. Course Title Credit hrs.
II PPY-121 Fundamental of Crop Physiology 2(1+1)
III PPY-211 Environmental studies and Disaster Management 3(2+1)
B.Sc. Forestry (Hons.)
II FBT-121 Plant Physiology 3 (2+1)
II FPU-121 Wood Anatomy 3 (2+1)
B.Sc. Horticulture  (Hons.)
I BSH-113 Introductory Crop Physiology
II BSH-121 Growth  and  development  Horticultural Crops
II NRH-123 Environmental Studies and Disaster  Management
M.Sc. Ag. Plant Physiology
I PPY-501 Principles of Plant Physiology 4(3+1)
I PPY-502 Plant developmental biology-physiological  and molecular basis 2(2+0)
II PPY-503 Physiological and molecular responses of plants to abiotic stresses 3(2+1)
II PPY-504 Hormonal regulation of plant growth and development 3(2+1)
II PPY-506 Physiology of growth and yield and modelling 2(1+1)
III PPY-508 Morphogenesis, tissue culture  and transformation 3(2+1)
IV PPY-511 Mineral Nutrition 3(2+1)
Ph.D. Plant Physiology
I PPY-601 Physiological Molecular and ecological aspects of photosynthesis and Productivity 3(2+1
I PPY-602 Seed Physiology 2(1+1)
I PPY-603 Physiological Disorders 1 (1+0)
II PPY-604 Climate Variability, Climate change and its impact on growth and productivity 2(2+0)
II PPY-605 Physiology of flowering and reproduction 2(2+0)
II PPY-606 Bio-regulators and herbicidal Physiology 1½ (1½+0)
III PPY-607 Physiology of horticultural and Plantation Crop species 2(2+0)
III PPY-608 Developmental Physiology, Photo physiology and Phytotranics 1½ (1½+0


 Faculty :
Name : Dr. Rajeev Kumar
Date of Birth :
Designation : Professor & Head
Department of Crop Physiology
College Department : College of Agriculture
Contact Info
Office Info Personal Info
Phone : –
Mobile: :
Email :
Phone : –
Mobile: :
Email :
Name : Dr.A.K.Singh
Date of Birth : 01.07.1964
Designation : Assistant Professor
CollegeDepartment : College of Agriculture Crop Physiology
Contact Info
Office Info Personal Info
Phone :
Mobile: 9451548636
Email :anilsingh4238
Name : Dr.O.P. Singh
Date of Birth : 11-12-1964
Designation : Assistant Professor
CollegeDepartment : College of Agriculture Crop Physiology
Contact Info
Office Info Personal Info
Phone :
Mobile: 9451424730
Email :opscsau@gmailcom.
See More Details

Head of the Departments/ In charges since inception:

Sl.No.                             Name                    Tenure
1. Dr. B.N. Singh, Crop Physiologist (Founder) 03.08.1948-20.09.1959
2. Dr.O.N.Mehrotra, Crop Physiologist (C.P.,U.P.Govt.) 21.09.1959-14.10.1960
3. Dr. S.C.Verma, Crop Physiologist (C.P.,U.P.Govt.) 15.10.1960-30.06.1963
4. Dr. O.N. Mehrotra, Prof.&Head 01.07.1063-31.05.1985
5. Dr. H.K. Saxena, Prof.&Head 01.06.1985-10.09.1997
6. Dr. R.D.Lal Srivastava, Prof. & Head 11.09.1997-30.06.2000
7. Dr. K.S. Rathi, Officer Incharge 01.07.2000-20.12.2000
8. Dr. R.S.Ram, Officer Incharge 21.12.2000-02.01.2004
9. Dr. H.R.Verma, Officer Incharge 03.01.2004-24.01.2004
10. Dr. R.S. Yadav. Incharge 25.01.2004-24.01.2007
11. Dr. I.J. Singh, Prof.&Head 25.01.2007 to 24.01.2010
12 Dr. R.S.Yadav, Prof.&Head 25.01.2010 to 30.06.2010
13 Dr.S.K.S.Parihar, Prof.&Head 01.07.2010 to 30.06.2011
14 Dr. Arun Kumar, Officer In Charge 01.07.11 to  31.12.2013
15 Dr. Lallu,Professor & Head 01.01.2014 to

Information of Officer

Sl.No. Name Designation Telephone/Mobile No. E.mail
1 Dr. P.K. Singh Professor & Head 7355751246
2 Dr. M.A.Khan Asstt. Professor 9935654343
3 Dr. A.K.Singh Asstt. Professor 9451548636 Anilcsau9@rediffmail com.
4 Dr. O.P. Singh Asstt. Professor 9451424730 opscsau @gmail com.

Organogram of Department (Officer and /Employees)

Sl.No. Name Designation Work Allotment Work place Telephone/Mobile No. E.mail
1 Dr. P.K. Singh Professor & Head Teaching & Reserach 7355751246
2 Dr. M.A.Khan Asstt. Professor Teaching & Reserach C.P. 9935654343
3 Dr. A.K.Singh Asstt. Professor Teaching & Reserach C.P. 9451548636
4 Dr. O.P. Singh Asstt. Professor Teaching & Reserach C.P. 9451424730 opscsau@gmail com
5 Smt Manjula Rathore Artist-Cum-Photographer Departmental work and as per Direction of HOD C.P. 9889418320
6 Sri Arun Srivastava Computer Teaching, Statistical analysis & Computer work C.P. 9838721151
7 AloKPrakash Srivastava Stenographer Official work as per direction of HOD C.P. 9305508053
8 Smt. Sumitra Singh Head Clerk KVK, Raibarelly
9 Sri Suresh Chandra Senior Clerk Vegetable Farm 9415092540
10 Sri Sarvesh Kr. Pandey Senior Clerk Official work Comptroller Office 9305753792
11 Sri Sant Ram Yadav Senior Clerk -do- C.P. 9919569181
12 Sri Ashok Kumar Senior Clerk -do- C.P. 9415011932
13 Sri Jagdish Kumar Senior Clerk Section-8, Lucknow
14 Sri Bhupal Singh Junior Clerk -do- C.P. 9795433335
15 Sri  Sukhdeo Singh Junior Clerk -do- C.P. 9452529004
16 Smt Rashmi Pradhan Junior Clerk -do- C.P. 7275723973
17 Sri Rajesh Babu Junior Clerk -do Transport 9889962026
18 Sri Pancham Ardali Peon Field and Office work C.P. 9616127369
19 Sri Ram Mohan Ardali Peon -do- C.P. 7619059714
20 Sri Virendra Pal Singh Ardali Peon -do- C.P. 9648817785
21 Sri Amar Singh Glass House Ated. -do- C.P. 8756716220
22 Sri Parshuram Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 9565605348
23 Sri Mahendra Singh Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 8808573909
24 Smt. Bhagwati Devi Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 9784994016
25 Sri Phool Singh Lab Attendant Old Dairy Farm 7607362917
26 Sudhir Kumar Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 8574523681
27 Smt. Madhvi Devi Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 8808327311
28 Sri Subhash Chandra Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 9795434817
29 Sri Shiv Prasad Ardali Peon -do- C.P. 8418829849
30 Sri Ram Laxman Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 8052394751
30 Sri Om Prakash Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 7897504945
31 Smt. Sunita Singh Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 7607362917
32 Sri Janak Dulare Pot Attendant -do- C.P. 9889084271
33 Sri Sarjoo Prasad Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 8303957525
34 Sri Jokhan Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 9598428081
35 Smt. Kamala Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 8182081373
36 Sri Bhola Pal Lab. Astt. Old Dairy Farm 7860100115
37 Sri Ram Kumar Lab Attd./Astt. -do- C.P. 8795912457
38  Sri Pramod Kr,Singh Lab. Astt. Research Farm 8127533478
39 Sri Munna Lab Attd./Astt. -do- C.P. 9792987422
40 Sri Rameshwar Lab Attd./Astt. -do- C.P. 9198428157
41 Sri Rajendra Lab Attd./Astt. -do- C.P. 9198428157
42 Sri Ram Chandra Lab. Astt. Research Farm 7753866260
43 Sri Narendra Singh Lab Attd./Astt. -do- C.P. 7379963490
44 Sri  Suresh Singh Lab. Astt. Research Farm 8853888255
45 Sri Satiish Chandra Lab. Astt. Research Farm 9369128433
46 Sri Ram Ratan Singh Sweeper -do- C.P. 7897035490
47 Sri Manoj Lab Attendant -do- C.P. 7054423854
48 Sri Ram Swaroop Lab Attendant Security Section 9936332201

Rules/Sub rules/Work policy (if any)
Details of programs/Services/Schemes run by the departments and how these can be accessed and also provide application format to access above facilities (in pdf/ms word format) Give the full details of concerned officer.

Departmental politics and financial sanction related GO’s (date wise and subject wise) Details.

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Seniority list of Officer/Teachers/Technical Staff.
Success stories of departmental achievements in details along with relevant photography (if any)
Budget allotment of different plans/Schemes along with financial & Physical progresss.
Details of Departmental activities beneficial for farmers (if any)
Reports of departmental programmes/ schemes ( PDF) (if any)
Proceeding of meeting related to departments/Boards (PDF (if any)
Annual report/department performance/budget of previous five years.