Chandra Shekhar Azad

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Scientists Profile

S.No. Name of Scientist/officer Designation Disepline Mobile No. Email ID Photo
  Dr. Ashok Kumar Head/sr. scientist  Agronomy 9415722880
  Dr. CK Rai Scientist A.H. 9450341061
  Dr. Rajesh Rai Scientist Extension 8174809964
  Dr. Arvind Kumar Scientist  Soil Science
  Mrs. Chandra Kala Scientist Home Science 9793295777
  Dr. Arun Kumar Singh Scientist Horticulture 9452284350
  Dr. Nimisha Awasthi Home Science  Ph.D.

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kanpur Dehat

Major Events conducted by KVK during Year 2020

Sr. No. Name of Events Participants Remark Photo
  Live Streaming of Hon’ble P.M. Progarmme of Interaction with Scientists 65  As per the directions from ICAR ATARI, Kanpur of Live streaming of  interaction of Hon,ble P.M. with Scientists was organized by the KVK for benefiting of farmers. During the programmes a gosthies on Zaid vegetable was also organized
  Training on Value addition 25  A Training on Value addition of vegetable  has been organized on 13/02/2020 to 14/2/2020 for capacity development of  rural Youths
  Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Visit at KVK 25 Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. D.R. Singh Visited KVK First Time he monitored all the activities of the KVK Ineracted with Scientists and given his Valuable remarks for conducting programmes efficiently. Seed distribution of Moongbean was also done.
  International Women’s Day 255 As per the Directive from ICAR International Women’s Day has been organized at  Village Aurangabad. Dr. Atar Singh Director ICAR ATARI graced the occasion with his benign presence 4 women’s farmers  were felicitated for there outstanding  contribution  in different field of Agriculture
  Diagnostic Visits 50 4 diagnostics visits were made during the month of June and July. As per the directions provided by Hon’ble V.C. sir impact of heavy storms were assessed on orchards of mango.
  Skill Development Training on Mushroom Production 20 Under Agriculture Skill Council of India Training on Mushroom Production Technology  was organized during July, 15th to October 25th, 2020 i.e. of 200 hours as per recommendations.
  Independence day Celebration 45 On 12th August, 2020  74th Anniversary of independence 5 farmers of village jhamma Nivada and Phoolpur.were felicitated for their excellent contribution in Agriculture and allied fields with flag hoisting.
  Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting 40 Scientific Advisory Committee meeting was organized through online Mode by Google Meet. All the Scientists of ICAR ATARI, Officials of Directorate of Extension, and State Agriculture Department  were connected.
  Survey on Nutritional Status 500 From September 3ed to 13th Survey on nutritional status was conducted in village Anoopur, Rudapur and Jugraj pur
  Capacity Building Training Anaganwadi 135 Under poshan maah Celebratio, A training of 80 Anaganwadi and farmwomen has been organized Hon’ble MLA Bilahur Shri Bhagwati Prasad Sagar ji was Chief Guest, Chairman Shivali town area was Guest of honour of the programme.Theme of the programme was Posahan Vatika se Poshan thali tak, Kitchen 100 Kitchen garden kit were distributed.
  Webinar Organized 250 Two webinar on dated 13th September and 23rd  September were organized online with Google Meet plateform. Many home scientists of UP were attended the webinar along with Anganwadi Karyakatri and farm women.
  Training programme on Moringa enriched Dishes 35 Moringa enriched Idli, Vada, Kachauri, Daal etc, were prepared during training.
  Initiation of Natural farming during Birth Anniversary of Mahatama Gandhi ji on 2nd Ocober, 2020 80 Gau Adharit Prakratik Kheti was introduced with formal Puja of Cow by  Hon.ble Vice Chancellor Dr. D.R. Singh Ji 
  Seed Distribution of Rai under CFLD on October 1st , 2020 200 At Village Chhateni Pukhraya Seed Disribution was organized. Under the umbrella of FPO,s programme. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. D.R. Singh was the chief Guest.
  Participation in Formal Announcement of India’s First Bio-fortified Village Anoop pur on 12th October, 20202 220 Village Anooppur of Block Maitha, Kanpur Dehat was Adopted By Chandra Shaekhar Azad University of Agric,& Tech, Kanpur and declared as India’s First Bio-fortified Village.
  Mahila Kisan Diwas 15th Ocober, 2020 50 Moringa Enriched Dishes competition was organized on Mahila Kisan Diwas. Five winners were awarded prize.
  Training programme on October 27th, 20202 30 Keeping in mind nearness of Diwali, Candle Making training was organized at village Diwali. Women’s were suggested and guided to make Candles and sell them in market by building linkages. 
  26th November Constitution Day 60 Constitution Day was celebrated as per the Guidelines provided by ICAR-ATARI. All the Scientists took oath for always following constitutional duties.
  World Soil health Day on December 5th, 2020 193 Chief Guest of the function was Hon’ble MLA Bilhaur shri Bhagwati Prasad Sagar ji. 100 Soil health cards were Distribute on the basis of Results acquired during soil testing.
  Programme on Kitchen garden and mal nutrition with coordination of 91.1 FM Radio 75 Plantation of kitchen garden method and its impact on Mal nutrition eradication was conducted with Shramik Bharti and 91.1 FM Radio.
  Kisan Samman Diwas on 23ed December, 2020 150 On the Auspicious occasion of Birth Anniversary of Former Prime Minister of Late Srei Chaudhary Charan Singh Kissam Samman Diwas is organized and 5 farmers were felicitated for their extra ordinary contribution in Agriculture and allied fields.
  Sushashan Diwas on December 25th , 2020 170 Live Streaming of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s talk with Farmers was organized Hon’ble PM released PM Samman Nidhi on this day.
  Swachata Pakhwada from December 16-31st December 40 All the Staff of KVK performed Cleanliness campaign also invited farmers given training on cleanliness. 

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