Chandra Shekhar Azad

Oil Seeds Section

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About the Department / Section :

  1. NAME OF THE PROJECT : All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Rapeseed – Mustard.
  2. NAMAE OF THE CENTRE: Chandra Shekhar Azad University of  Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur-208002 (U.P.).
  3. YEAR OF START: 1967 Joint Centre under AICORPO (separated in 1993-94 as AICRIP on R & M).

Rapeseed-mustard are group of crops. Under this group the important crops are Indian mustard (Brassica juncea), Toria (Brassica campestris var. toria), Brown sarson (Brassica campestris var. brown sarson), Yellow sarson (Brassica campestris var. yellow sarson), Banarsi rai (Brassica nigra), Gobhi sarson (Brassica napus) and Karan sarson (Brassica carinata). At one time yellow sarson was the dominant type in Uttar Pradesh but with the development of modern crushing industry, interprovincial trade specially with West Bengal and high susceptibility of yellow sarson to the attack of aphid and Alternaria blight. Indian mustard has assumed greater importance. It has better resistance to pests, diseases and drought. Other crop such as Lotni brown sarson was restricted to drier tract of Agra region while toria was confined to eastern region of the state but both these type of brown sarson have eclipsed from the cultivator’s field. Toria, popularly known as Lahi (brown seeded) and Lahia (yellow seeded) were previously crop of tarai region but it has gained importance as catch crop in rotation with wheat throughout the state. This is a short duration crop and is, thus, capable of evading the attack of aphids which is one of the limiting factors of obtaining normal yields. Recently Karan sarson and Gobhi sarson were tried in the state for several years but due to its longer duration, small seed size, poor yield, shattering habit of seeds etc., it could not gain popularity among farmers.

Information Officer

Sl. No. Name Designation Telephone / Mobile E-mail
1. Prof. Mahak Singh Prof/Project Leader

(R&M)Cum EBO


Organogram of Department (Officer  and Employee)

Sl. No. Name Designation Work Allotted Work Place Telephone/Mobile E-mail
1. Prof. Mahak Singh Prof/Project Leader (R&M)Cum EBO Plant Breeding, Agronomy, Entomology, Pathology, Physiology and Bio-Chemistry Oilseeds Res.Farm Kalyanpur Kanpur 9451873875

Rules/Sub rules/ Work policy(if any) : 75% of total expenditure are provided by ICAR Govt. of India and 25% bearded by of U. P. every year.

• Enhancing the production, productivity and profitability of oilseed crops on an ecologically and economically sustainable basis.
• To make self-reliant the Country in oilseed crop production.
• Mitigate biotic and abiotic stresses and climate change.
• Improved oil quality and value addition.
• Dissemination of improved technologies.
• Evaluation of coordinated material by conducting trials under different agro climatic conditions.
• Collection, maintenance and evaluation of various germplasms for different traits.
• Development of high yielding, disease resistant oilseed crop varieties for different agro-climatic conditions.
• Evaluation and screening of different oilseeds crops for biotic and abiotic stresses.
• To develop physiologically efficient genotypes for early sown, timely sown, late sown and rainfed conditions.
• To develop oilseed crop varieties for cultivation under restrictive environments, i.e. rainfed, saline/alkaline soils, limited irrigation, late planting and dual purpose.
• Development of high yielding oilseed crop varieties with high oil content and oil quality.
• Develop appropriate crop production procedure and technology for optimal use of resources in a sustainable manner.
• Increase the sustainability of oilseed crops based cropping systems.
• Establish national and international linkages for strengthening oilseed crops improvement programmes.
• Provide off-season nursery facility for rapid generation advancement and seed multiplication.
• Coordinate and organize nucleus seed and breeder seed production.

Major Research Achievements:

Details of Rapeseed-Mustard Varieties Released at

Kanpur From 1932 to 2022

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding

Section of Oil Seeds

S. No. Name of the variety Crop Year of release Recommended area Developed by
1. Type-11 Mustard 1936 Central tract of U.P. T.S. Sabnish and T.R. Mehta
2. Laha-101 Mustard 1947 Western tract of U.P. T.S. Sabnish, T.R. Mehta and D.N. Singh
3. Type -16 Mustard 1956 Entire U.P. G.N. Pathak, T.R. Mehta and D.N. Singh
4. YST-1 Yellow Sarson 1957 Entire U.P. G.N. Pathak, T.R. Mehta and D.N. Singh
5. Type -1 Yellow Sarson 1957 Entire U.P. G.N. Pathak, T.R. Mehta and D.N. Singh
6. Type -10 Yellow Sarson 1957 Entire U.P. G.N. Pathak, T.R. Mehta and D.N. Singh
7. Type -151 Yellow Sarson 1957 Entire country G.N. Pathak, T.R. Mehta and D.N. Singh
8. Type -42 Yellow Sarson 1960 Entire U.P. G.N. Pathak and D.N. Singh
9. Type -9 Toria 1961 Entire country G.N. Pathak and D.N. Singh
10. Type -36 Toria (Y.S.) 1963 Central tract of U.P. G.N. Pathak and D.N. Singh
11. Type -59 Mustard 1964 Entire U.P. G.N. Pathak and D.N. Singh
12. B.S.-2 Brown Sarson 1966 Entire U.P. G.N. Pathak and B.P. Tyagi
13. B.S.-70 Brown Sarson 1966 Entire U.P. G.N. Pathak and B.P. Tyagi
14. K-88 Yellow Sarson 1973 Entire U.P. H.G. Singh and R.N. Singh
15. Varuna (T-59) Mustard 1975 Entire country G.N. Pathak and D.N. Singh
16. Shekhar Mustard 1978 Entire U.P. A.N. Srivastav and R.N. Singh
17. RK-14 Mustard 1984 Entire U.P. A.N. Srivastav and R.N. Singh
18. KRV-74 Mustard 1984 Entire U.P. A.N. Srivastav , R.N. Singh L.S. Chauhan, R.K. Pathak and K.P. Verma
19. RK-9 Mustard 1985 Entire U.P. A.N. Srivastav and R.K.Dixit
20. Rohini Mustard 1985 U.P.,M.P. and Rajasthan R.K. Dixit, A.N. Srivastav, L.S. Chauhan, R.K. Pathak, K.P. Verma, S.P. Sachan, R. Mishra and Lalta Prasad
21. Vardan Mustard 1985 Entire country R.K. Dixit, A.N. Srivastav, Lalta Prasad, S.P. Sacchan, O.S. verma and K.P. Verma
22. Vaibhav Mustard 1985 U.P.,M.P. Rajasthan R.K. Dixit, A.N. Srivastav, Lalta Prasad S.P. Sacchan, O.S. Verma and K.P. Verma
23. Bhawani Toria 1986 U.P.,M.P. Rajasthan R.K. Dixit, A.N. Srivastav, L.S. Chauhan, R.K. Pathak K.P. Verma, S.P. Sachan and R. Mishra
24. Urvashi Mustard 1999 Entire U.P. R.K. Dixit, Lalta Prasad, Mahak Singh, O.S. Verma, R.K. Pathak and V.P. Singh
25. Basanti Mustard 2001 Entire U.P. R.K. Dixit, Lalta Prasad, Mahak Singh O.S. Verma, R.K. Pathak and V.P. Singh
26. Kanti Mustard 2002 Entire U.P. R.K. Dixit, Mahak Singh, Ranjeet, V.P. Singh and Lalta Prasad
27. Maya Mustard 2002 U.P.,M.P. Rajasthan R.K. Dixit, Ranjeet, Mahak Singh V.P. Singh, Lalta Prasad  and ArvindSrivastav
28. Ashirwad Mustard 2006 U.P.,M.P. Rajasthan R.K. Dixit, Ranjeet , Mahak Singh, V.P. Singh, ArvindSrivastav and Lalta Prasad
29. Pitambari Yellow sarson 2010 Entire country Ranjeet, Mahak Singh,  R.K. Dixit and S.B.L. Srivastav
30. Tapeswari Toria 2018 Entire U.P. Mahak Singh, Ranjeet, R.K. Dixit and S.B.L. Srivastav
31. Azad Chetna Toria 2021 Entire U.P. Mahak Singh, Lallu,

Madhu Bajpai and D.K.Singh

32. Azad Mahak Mustard 2021 Entire U.P. Mahak Singh, Lallu,

Madhu Bajpai and D.K.Singh

33. Surekha* Mustard 2022 Entire U.P. Mahak Singh, Lallu,

Madhu Bajpai, D.K.Singh and Rajvir Singh.

N.C. = National Check, Z.C. = Zonal Check, L. S. = Late sown, Y. S. = Yellow seeded.

* Notification awaited.

Land mark Achievements of Rapeseed Mustard:

Thirty three varieties of Rapeseed-Mustard have been released and notified from this University. Among these RT-11 is the first Indian mustard variety released in 1936 from this pioneer institute in the country. Varuna (T-59) variety of Indian mustard was awarded as Landmark variety by the Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, IARI, New Delhi in February 2017 released from here in 1964. In the country more than 90 Per cent Indian mustard variety having Varuna blood.

Rohini (KRV-24): This is first shattering resistance variety in the country and released in  1985.                                       

Vaibhav(RK-1418):This is rainfed variety and recommended for for ZoneIII of the country and release in 1985.

Urvashi (RK-9501): This is the high temperature tolerant at seedling stage and recommended for whole UP and release in 1999.

Basanti (RK-8501): This is the first yellow seeded juncea variety in the country having  resistance against white rust and recommended for whole UP and    release in 2001.

Kanti (RK-9807): This is first short duration variety in the country, recommended for  whole UP and release in 2002.

Type-9, Toria: This is high yielding toria variety in the country and recommended for whole   country and release in 1961.

Bhawani, Toria (TK-84-01): This is first short duration (70-80 days) variety in thecountry, and recommended for UP, MP, Uttrakhand, Bihar, Rajasthan and Himanchal Pradesh and release in 1985.                                                           

          Pitambari (RYSK 5-2)

Pitambari (RYSK-5-2): This is high yielding yellow sarson variety in the country and recommended for whole country and release in 2010.

 Tapeshwari (TK 6-1)

Latest Research Achievement of AICRP (Rapeseed &Mustard)

Notification of Variety

A New Variety of Toria Tapeshwari (T.K.06-1) has been notified (S.O.6318E) by the  central Sub –Committee on crop standards Notification of varieties for agricultural crops  in meeting held on 26th December.2018 at committee room no.205, ICAR, Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan II, Pusa, Ministry of Agriculture co operation and farmers welfare government of  India, New Delhi.

Two Varieties of Rapeseed –Mustard namely, Azad Chetna (TKM 14-2) & Azad Mahak KME(E) 15-2  have been released and Notified  on 15.03.2021 from CentralSub- Committee on crop standards, for U.P. state on its 86th meeting under the chairmanship of Dr, T.R. Sharma, Deputy Director General  (crop        sciences),Indian Council of Agriculture Research(ICAR),New Delhi.

Rai Azad Mahak (KMR (E) 15-2)

  • Recommended for Entire Uttar Pradesh
  • Yield Potential(24-25 q/ha) and bold seed size(5.20g/1000seed)
  • Suitable for Early sown condition
  • Early maturity(120-125 Days)
  • Escapes from disease specially Alternaria blight and White rust
  • Tolerance to high temperature at seed germination stage
  • Oil content range (41.6-42.1%) oil yield 852 kg/ha which is 9.20% higher in compression to PM 27(ZC).

Azad Mahak (KMR (E)-15-2)

 Toria Azad Chetna(TKM 14-2)

  • Recommended for Entire Uttar Pradesh
  • Yield Potential(12-14 q/ha) and bold seed size(3.3g/1000seed)
  • Suitable for Early sown condition
  • Early maturity(90-95 Days)
  • Escapes from disease specially Alternaria blight and White rust most Suitable for multiple cropping
  • Oil content range (42.2 – 42.4%) oil yield 608 kg/ha which is 18.98% higher in compression to Bhawani (ZC).

Azad Mahak (KMR (E)-15-2)

 Toria Azad Chetna(TKM 14-2)

  • Recommended for Entire Uttar Pradesh
  • Yield Potential(12-14 q/ha) and bold seed size(3.3g/1000seed)
  • Suitable for Early sown condition
  • Early maturity(90-95 Days)
  • Escapes from disease specially Alternaria blight and White rust most Suitable for multiple cropping
  • Oil content range (42.2 – 42.4%) oil yield 608 kg/ha which is 18.98% higher in compression to Bhawani (ZC).

      Surekha (KMR 16-2)

Rai  Surekha (KMR 16-2)

  • Recommended for Entire Uttar Pradesh.
  • Yield Potential(28-30 q/ha) and bold seed size(5.60g/1000seed)
  • Suitable for Timely sown Irrigated condition.
  • Plant height (160-175 cm) and maturity(125-130 Days)
  • Tolerance to high temperature at seed germination stage
  • Oil content range (41.2-42.6%) oil yield 977 kg/ha .
  • It gives 16.69% higher seed yield in compression to for the best check Urvashi in the U.P. State.

Breeder Seed Production



Variety 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Varuna T 1140 298 264 177 50 60
P 1000 200 265 1740 9350 1055
Rohini T 316 240 168 124 50 540
P 540 930 150 894 45 990
Vaibhav T 50 050 050 050 50
P 147 215 260 181
Vardan T 50 050 050 050 50
P 195 641 675 220
Basanti T 50 050 050 050 50
P 165 330 700 584
Kanti T 50 050 050 050 50
P 420 910 470 1670 1205
Maya T 50 050 050 050 50 50
P 270 350 575 850 710 254
Ashirwad T 50 106 050 050 50
P 80 300 550 380
Urvashi T 50 50
P 152 200
T9 T 228 106 050 050 50 50
P 815 530 540 494 149
Bhawani T 275 060 050 055 100 100
P 125 200 210 128 65 60
Tapeshwari T 50 050 50 050 285 285
P 125 500 200 225 250 692
Pitambari T 55 075 101 127 97 97
P 580 615 1425 1615 990 148


Sl. No. Name Designation Telephone / Mobile E-mail
1. Prof. Mahak Singh Prof/Project Leader

(R&M)Cum EBO

  • Rules/Sub rules/ Work policy (if any) : 75% of total expenditure are provided by ICAR Govt. of India and 25% bearded by of U. P. every year.
  • Details of Programmes/ Services/Schemes run by the Departments and how these can be accessed and also provide application format to access above facilities (in pdf/ms word format). Give the full details of concerned officer.
  • Experiments assigned during Annual Group Meeting on Rapeseed-Mustard in Plant Breeding, Agronomy, Entomology, Pathology, Plant Physiology and Bio-chemistry disciplines are conducted during Rabi  season of every year according to the proceeding. All observations given in the proceeding are recorded and statistically analyzed data is being sent to the ICAR- Director, Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur Rajasthan. for Annual Report every year.
  • Experiments assigned during Annual Group Meeting on Rapeseed-Mustard in Plant Breeding Coordinated Trials are conducted duringRabi season of every year according to the Proceeding. All observations given in the proceeding are recorded and data is being sent to the ICAR- Director, Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur Rajasthan. for Annual Report every year.
  • Production of Nucleus/Breeder quality seeds of released verities of the University is taken up as per ICAR/State indent every year and production information is being sent to the ICAR- Director, Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur Rajasthan, for Annual Report every year.
  • Experiments assigned during Annual Group Meeting on Rapeseed-Mustard in Entomology, Agronomy, Pathology, Plant Physiology and Bio-Chemistry Coordinated Trials are conducted by various concerned discipline scientist duringRabi season of every year according to the Proceeding. All observations given in the proceeding are recorded and data is being sent to the ICAR- Director, Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur Rajasthan. for Annual Report every year.
  • Frontline demonstrations on different aspects of Rapeseed-Mustard are conducted at farmer’s fields and performance of Improved technology is recorded and it is being sent to the ICAR- Director, Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research, Sewar, Bharatpur Rajasthan. for Annual Report every year.
  • Varietal development work of Rapeseed-Mustard crop is done under the supervision of Dr. Mahak Singh.
  • As voluntary center, entries of Sesame crop in IVT & AVT are tested under irrigated condition of Central U. P. and performance of different entries is being sent to the Project Coordinator Sesame & Niger Jabalpur (M.P.)
  • Frontline demonstrations on different aspects of Sesame are conducted at farmer’s fields and performance of Improved technology is recorded and it is being sent to the Project Coordinator Sesame & Niger Jabalpur (M.P.)
  • As voluntary center, entries of Sunflower crop in IAHT are tested under irrigated condition of Central U. P. and performance of different entries is being sent to the Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad(T.S.)
  • Details of concerned Officer: Dr. Mahak Singh Professor/Project Leader AICRP(R&M) cum E.B.O.
Research Centre

Book Published



Book Titled Author name Publisher name Page No. ISBN No. Year of publication
1. Atlas Economic Botanist, Cereals, Oilseeds, Legumes, Vegetables M. Singh, M.P. Yadav and Mahak Singhat. al. Bishen Singh, Mahendra Pal Singh Publishers & Distributers of Scientific Books, Deharadun-248001 (Uttrakhand) 01-311 978-181211-0919-2 First Edition 2015
2. Breeding Oilseed Crops Mahak Singh and Amit Tomar Agro-India Publication, Allahabad (U.P.) 01-264 978-81-929086-4-9 First Edition 2016
3. Competitive Book of Genetics and Plant Breeding Mahak Singh Rama Publishing House, Meerut (U.P.) 01-238 978-93-87018-11-2 First edition,


4. Seed Technology Oil Seeds Crops Mahak Singh Rama Publishing House, Meerut (U.P.) 01-160 978-9384479-79-4 First edition,


5. Biometrical analysis in yellow sarson Amit Tomar  and Mahak Singh Lambert Academy Publishing (LAP), Germany 01-310 978-613-9-93556-4 First edition,


6. Genetic analysis in Indian mustard Amit Tomar and Mahak Singh Lambert Academy Publishing (LAP), Germany 01-180 978-613-9-92441-2 First edition,


7. Principals of seed technology (in Hindi) Mahak Singh and R.S.Lohia Kalyani publishers New Delhi. 01-182 978-93-5359-265-3 First edition,



8. Rapeseed & Mustard An Overview  Mahak Singh and

Amit Tomar

Lambert Academy Publishing (LAP), Germany 01-235 978-613-9-94449-1 First edition,


9. Research Trend in seed production technology of oil seed crops, Mahak Singh and

Amit Tomar

Lambert Academy Publishing (LAP), Germany 01-241 978-613-9-92238-3 First edition,


10. Principles of Seed Technology Mahak Singh and Amit Tomar Kushal Publications & Distributers Books, Varanasi (U.P.) 01-176 978-8193-8-12839-3 First edition, 2020
11. Crop Improvment Mahak Singh

Amit Tomar


Harpal Singh

Scholars Press,


01-217 978-613-8-93085-3 First edition, 2020
12. Agricultural Research Policy in India : Pre & Post Covid-19 era (Pandemic era) Mahak Singh


Amit Tomar

Lambert Academy Publishing (LAP), Germany 01-131 978-613-9-94449-1 First edition, 2021

Book Chapters



Book Titled Author name Publisher name Page No. ISBN No.
1. “Organic Farming: Concept and Approaches”

(Book Agriculture Renewal)

Amit Tomar, Mahak Singh & Rayees Afal Mir Lambert Academy Publishing (LAP), Germany 978-3-330-07027-1 2017
2. “Green Revolution, Issues and Impact of Green Revolution in India”

(Book Agriculture Renewal)

Amit Tomar & Mahak Singh Lambert Academy Publishing (LAP), Germany 978-3-330-07027-1 2017
3. “Organic farming for sustainable development in changing World scenario: A review”

(Book Integrated Farming System: The Future of Agriculture)

Amit Tomar & Mahak Singh Weser Books, No. 78737, Aussere Webserstr. 57 02763 Zittau, Germany. 978-3-96492-050-8 2018

Technical Book Publications



Book Titled Author name Publisher name Page No.
1. Weeds manag-

ement in Barley

Dr,Ramashish Yadav,

Dr,Vijay KumarYadav, Shri,Rajveer Singh, Dr,H.G. Prakash

Stuty Enterprises 2018
2. Effective Control measurs.of Phalaris minor . Dr,Ramashish Yadav,

Dr,Vijay KumarYadav, Shri,Rajveer Singh, Dr,H.G. Prakash

Stuty Enterprises 2018
3. Management of weeds takneek. in Wheat crop Dr,Ramashish Yadav,

Dr,Vijay KumarYadav, Shri,Rajveer Singh, Dr,H.G. Prakash

Stuty Enterprises 2018
4. Rai-Sarsoan me beej utpadan takneek.


Dr, Mahak Singh,

Dr, C.P. Sachan

Dr, Rajveer Singh,

Dr,H.G. Prakash

Stuty Enterprises 2019
5. Rai-Sarsoan ki Aadhuneek  kheti.


Dr. Mahak Singh,

Dr. Rajveer Singh,

Dr. H.G. Prakash.

Stuty Enterprises



6. Production Technology of Rapeseed-Mustard Dr. Mahak Singh,

Dr. H.G. Prakash

Dr. Sushil Soloman

Stuty Enterprises



7. Post Harvest Technology and Utilization of Rapeseed-Musturd Dr. Mahak Singh,

Dr. Amit Tomar

Dr. H.G. Prakash

Dr. Sushil Soloman

Stuty Enterprises



8. Seed Production Technology of Rapeseed-Mustard Dr. Mahak Singh,

Dr. Amit Tomar

Dr. H.G. Prakash


Stuty Enterprises



Practical manuals designed : The following 3 practical manuals designed for U.G. and P.G. Courses.
Breeding field crops,     published in 2015.
Principle of Tree Breeding and Improvement methods, published in 2016.

Principles of cytology and genetics, published in 2017.

Award Recognition

  • Mahak Singh, Awarded Dr. Mangla Rai Vishisht Krishi Vaigyanik Puraskar 2015 4th U.P. Agricultural science congress  on march 02-04, 2016 atC.S.Azad Univ. of Agril. & Tech., Kanpur. UPAAS, U.P. Lucknow.
  • Mahak Singh, Awarded Fellowship Award 2016 by HI- Tech Horticultural Society   Noida Internationa University,  Nioda. 2016 International
  • Mahak Singh Awarded Best Scientist Award 2018 by the society of Agricultural professionals C.S.A, Uni. Of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur,(U.P.) India. On Feburary,14,2018.
  • Mahak Singh Awarded Gold Medal Award by the Society for Rapeseed-Musturd Research (SRMR) Bharatpur (Rajasthan) and C.S.A, Uni. Of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur,(U.P.) India on Feburary, 01,2019.
  • Best M.Sc. Thesis Award 2019 , Mr. Jagdish Prasad Chaurasia ID NO:CA10604/17 under guidance of Dr, Mahak Singh, Prof/Sr.Breeder(R&M) of the work entitled “Genetics of Seed yield and its components under timely sown condition in Indian mustard(Brassica Juncea(L) Czern and coss.)”awarded  at 4th National Brassica Conference” Innovative Approaches in oilseed Brassica Toward Self Sufficiency” jointly organized by SRMR Bharatpur & CSAUA&T, Kanpur held on feb,01-03,2019.
  • Mahak Singh Awarded CSAU Award of Excellence-2019 on 71th Republic Day,2020 at C.S.A, Uni. Of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur,(U.P.)
  • Mahak Singh Awarded  Fellow Award    by Indian Society of oilseed research on National  seminar 2020 Technological Innovations in Oilseed crops for Enhancing productivity, profitability and nutritional security February 7-8,2020. Hyderabad,(T.S.) India.          

Participation in Annual Group Meeting of AICRP(R&M):

  • Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh, Dr. Lallu, Dr. R.S. Baghel and Dr. Madhu Bajpeye participated in Twenty two Annual Group Meeting held at State Institute of Agriculture Management (SIAM), Durgapura, Jaipur (Rajasthan) on Aug. 3-5, 2015.
  • Dr. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh, Dr. Lallu, Dr. R.S. Baghel and Dr. Madhu Bajpeye participated in Twenty third Annual Group Meeting of Rapeseed –Mustard held at U.P.   Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya pashu chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidhyalyaya  evam Go Anusandhan Sansthan (DUVASU),Mathura (U.P.) on August 05-07,2016.
  • Dr. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh, Dr. Lallu, Dr. R.S. Baghel and Dr. Madhu Bajpeye participated in Twenty Fourth Annual Group Meeting of Rapeseed –Mustard held at Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute (Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University ,Jobner) Durgapura, Jaipur 302018 (Raj.) on  August 03-05,2017.
  • Dr. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh, Dr. Lallu, and Dr. Madhu Bajpeye participated in Twenty Fifth Annual Group Meeting of Rapeseed –Mustard held at  Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Banaras Hindu University Varanasi (U.P.) on  August 04-06,2018.
  • Dr. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh and Dr. Rajveer Singh  participated in Twenty Sixth Annual Group Meeting of Rapeseed –Mustard held at Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi (Jharkhand) on  August 03-05,2019.

Participation in Conference(s):

  • Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh, Dr. Lallu, Dr. R.S. Baghel and Dr. Madhu Bajpeye Participated in “4th  Uttar Pradesh Agricultural science congress Strategic Governanance and Technological Advancement for Sustainable Agriculture” held at C.S.A. Uni. & Tech. Kanpur on  March 02-04, 2016.
  • Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Mahak Singh, Dr. Lallu and Dr. R.S. Baghel Participated in 3rd National Brassica Conference on :Enhancing Oilseed Brassica Production       through Climate-Smart Technologies held at ICAR-India Agricultural Research  Institute New Delhi on Feb., 16-18, 2017.
  • Rajendra Prasad, Dr. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh, Dr. Lallu, Dr. R.S. Baghel and Dr. Madhu Bajpeye Participated in “National Conference on Organic farming for sustainable agriculture and livelihood security under chanching climate conditions ” held at C.S.A. Uni. & Tech. Kanpur on  December 12-13, 2017.
  • Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh, Dr. Lallu, Dr. R.S. Baghel and Dr. Madhu Bajpeye participated in International Conference on “Sustainability of Smallholder Agriculture in Developing Countries under Changing Climatic Scenario” held at C.S.A. Uni. & Tech. Kanpur on  February,14-17, 2018.
  • Mahak Singh participated in 1stNational Genetics Congress on “Genetics for Sustainable Food, Health and Nutritional Security” held at ICAR –Indian Agricultural Reasearch Institute,New Delhi on December,14-16,2018.
  • Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh, Dr. Lallu, Shri, Rajveer Singh and Dr. Madhu Bajpeye participated in 4th National Brassica Conference on“Innovative Approaches in Oilseed Brassica Towards Self Sufficiency” held at C.S.A. Uni. & Tech. Kanpur on February,01-03, 2019.
  • Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh and Rajveer Singh  participated in National  seminar 2020 Technological Innovations in Oilseed crops for Enhancing productivity, profitability and nutritional security February 7-8,2020. Hyderabad, India.
  • Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh and Rajvir Singh participated in the “ 28th Annual group meeting of AICRP Rapeseed & Mustard”  which was on 03-04, Aug, 2020  at ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research Bharatpur, Rajasthan.

 Online Seminar/Workshop Attended:

  1. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh and Rajvir Singh participated in the “Webicon 2020” which was on 06-08, May 2020  at C.S.A. Uni. of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur.
  2. Mahak Singh, participated in the “Annual group meeting of Sesame and Niger” which was on 26-27, May 2020 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseed Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.
  3. Mahak Singh and Dr. D.K. Singh participated in the National webinar entitled “Technological and policy inventions in enhancing pulse production in India” which was on 06, June 2020 at C.S.A. Uni. of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur.
  4. Mahak Singh and Dr. D.K. Singh  participated in the National webinar entitled “ Protected cultivation of vegetable crops challenges and opportunities” which was on 23, June 2020 at C.S.A. Uni. of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur.
  5. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh and Rajvir Singh participated in the National webinar entitled “ Recent technological invention for seed production  and seed quality and enhancement on nutritional crops”  which was on 22 & 23, June,2020  at C.S.A. Uni. of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur.
  6. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh and Rajvir Singh participated in the Brain storming session “ Enhancing oilseed Brassica production technological innovation and marketing  strategies”  which was on 04, July, 2020  at ICAR-Directorate of Rapeseed-Mustard Research Bharatpur, Rajasthan.
  7. D.K. Singh participated in the National webinar entitled “ Avenues and challenges for Agri- Entrepreneurship for a self Reliant community” which was on 07, July, 2020, Extension education and communication management collage of Home Science, SKRAU,  Bikaner, Rajasthan.
  8. D.K. Singh and Rajvir Singh participated in the National webinar entitled “Education policy 2020”  which was on 07, Oct, 2020  at C.S.A. Uni. of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur.
  9. Mahak Singh, Dr. D.K. Singh and Rajvir Singh participated in the training entitled “ Neglected and under utilized crop species (NUS) for food and Nutritional security  during time of uncertainties”  which was on 16-29, Oct, 2020  at C.S.A. Uni. of Agri. & Tech. Kanpur.
  10. D.K. Singh and Rajvir Singh participated in the National webinar entitled “Recent Advances in weather forasting and Agro-met Advisories in association with IDP-NAHEP”  which was on 11, Nov, 2020  at Pantnagar University.
  11. D.K. Singh participated in the National webinar entitled “ Sustainable water resources pollution and quality assurance” which was on 06, Nov, 2020, at Jagannath University, Rajasthan.
  12. , D.K. Singh participated in the National seminar on Promotion of Direct Seeded Rice (DSR) prospects and challenges during covid-19 which was on 13, June, 20201 at ICAR- New Delhi.

   Organization of conference/ training:

  • Mahak Singh, Organizing Chairman, organized 2 days training programme on “Agricultural Research with relation to Intellectual Property Rights”, held at C.S.A. Uni. & Tech. Kanpur on September, 16-17, 2017.
  • Professor Mahak Singh P. I. AICRP (R&M) Organized two days training for extension personals “New technologies and developments in rapeseed-mustard cultivation” from 16-17 March, 2018 in association with ICAR-Directorate of   Rapeseed-mustard Research,     Sewer, Bharatpur (Rajasthan) at Directorate of Extension, C.S.Azad Uni. Of Agri. &            Kanpur-208002.
  • Professor Mahak Singh P. I. AICRP (R&M) Organized two days training for extension personals “New technologies and developments in rapeseed-mustard cultivation” from   01-02 feb, 2019 in association with ICAR-Directorate of   Rapeseed-mustard Research,     Sewer, Bharatpur (Rajasthan) at Directorate of Extension, C.S.Azad Uni. Of Agri. &            Kanpur-208002.
  • Mahak Singh organizing secretary organized 3 days 4th National Brassica Conference on “Innovative Approaches in Oilseed Brassica Towards Self Sufficiency”  at C.S.A. Uni. & Tech. Kanpur on  February,01-03, 2019.
  • Professor Mahak Singh P. I. AICRP (R&M) Organized two days training for extension personals “New technologies and developments in rapeseed-mustard cultivation” from   06 & 07,  March, 2021 in association with ICAR-Directorate of   Rapeseed-mustard Research, Sewer, Bharatpur (Rajasthan) at Directorate of Extension, C.S. Azad Uni. Of Agri. & Tech.  Kanpur-208002.

Monitoring and Research Coordination:

Item Details of activity Level of involvement Name of the centers Period
From To
Monitoring Monitoring the AICRP Coordinated Trials  Zone Ist and IInd As Team Leader PAV Ludhiana,Chatha,Kangra,Hissar,

Bathinda,Sriganganagar and Gurgoan.

27.02.15 03.03.15




Monitoring the AICRP Coordinated Trials  ZoneV


Dr. Mahak Singh

As Team Leader




Behrampur, Dholi and Kanke.













Monitoring the AICRP Coordinated Trials  Zone


Dr. D.K. Singh

As Team Member



S.K.Nagar and Mandor









Monitoring Monitoring the AICRP Coordinated Trials  Zone III Dr. Mahak Singh

As Team Leader

Pantnagar, Agra,

Bharatpur,Morena, New Delhi,Jobner

16.02.18 24.02.18
Monitoring Monitoring the AICRP Coordinated Trials  Zone II Dr. Mahak Singh

As Team Leader

IARI,Hisar,Mahendragarh, Bawal, Srigangana and Gurgoan. 11.02.19 18.02.19
Monitoring Monitoring the AICRP Coordinated Trials  Zone I & II As Team Leader  R.A.S. Dhulakuan (H.P.),R.A.S. Kangra (H.P.) S.K.U. (J & K) and P.A.U. Ludhiana,(Punjab). 29.02.2020 10.03.2020


Research Publications




Research Publications in referred journals

Names of Authors in same sequence as published, Year of publication,Title of the publication, Full name of the Journal, Volume & page numbers


Journal ID

NAAS Journal Rating
1. Abhishek Kumar, M.P. Sigh, N.B.Singh and Lallu (2015) effect of oisture on physiological parameters and yield associated with drought and heat tolerance in wheat verities(Tritium aestivum) Biochem. Cell. Arch.15(1):271-276. B-046 4.46
2. Abhishek Kumar, M.P. Sigh, N.B.Singh , Lallu and Kapil Kumar (2015)variability in biochemical traits associated with drought and heat tolerance in wheat genotypes under different irrigation levels. indian journal of agri. Biochem(28)1:48-51. I-025 4.69
3. Manoj pratap Singh and Lallu(2015) variability of thermo-tolerance in response of membrane injury index and other physio-biochemical parameter of mustard(Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss)”.genotypes under late sown condition. indian journal of agri. Biochem(28)2:187-1 I-025 4.69
4. Sunder Pal, D.K.Singh, Ram Singh, and Ajeet Vikram Yadav(2015). Bio-efficacy of neem formulations and organic chemicals for management of Bactrocera cucurbitae inBottle gourd. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 23(1):19-22. A-199 4.82
5.         R.K. Dwivedi, Sunder Pal, D.K.Singh, Ram Singh, and D.Narayan(2015). Efficacy of  insecticidal treatment against Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee on Brinjal. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 23(1):62-64. A-199 4.82
6. Su    Sunder Pal, D.K. Singh, D.N. Singh, R. S. Umrao and R. K. Dwivedi (2015). Monitoring and management of mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi Kalt. Annl.of Agri-Bio. Res., 20(1): 26-29. A-183 3.97
7. Su   Sunder Pal, D.K. Singh, Sanjeev Kumar, C. S. Sekhavat and Dhiraj Kumar (2015). Seasonal abundance of insect pest on mustard varieties (Brassica spp.) and relation to abiotic factors. Annl.of Bio.,31(1): 109-112. A-187 4.08
8. SS    Singh N. V.,Kumar J. and Singh D.K.(2015) Efficiency of different insecticidal seed treatment against termite in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop (2015) Sci.8(2)243-244 R-038 3.74
9. RR  Rudranath, Madhu Bajpeyi and Lallu(2016) oil content and oil quality of seeds of some mustard(Brassica juncea L. Czer & Coss)”.genotypes as affected by late sowing paper accepted for publication indian journal of Agri. Bio. Vol.1 I-025 4.69
10. Amit Tomar and Mahak Singh (2017). “Selection of best germplasm & crosses based on heterotic response and combining ability parameters in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss)”. Journal of Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry. 6(1) : 345-349. J-371 5.21
11. Amit Tomar, Mahak Singh, Sarvendra Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh and L. P. Tiwari  (2017). “Selection parameter analysis for F1 and F2 generations in yellow sarson (Brassica rapa L. var. yellow sarson)”. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 6(1) : 96-101. J-371 5.21
12. Amit Tomar, Mahak Singh and Sanjay Kumar Singh (2017). “Combining ability (sca & gca) and heterotic response analysis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss)”. Journal of Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry. 6 (4): 1999-2004. J-371 5.21
13. Amit Tomar, Mahak Singh and Sanjay Kumar Singh (2017). “Mean performance, range and genetic variability analysis of parents and F1s for seed yield and its contributing traits in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czer & Coss)”. Journal of Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry. 6(5): 906-908. J-371 5.21
14. Amit Tomar and Mahak Singh (2017). “Genetic components analysis for seed yield and its contributing traits in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss)”. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 6 (8): 386-389. T-048 5.03
15. Amit Tomar, Mahak Singh, Sarvendra Kumar, Sanjay Kumar Singh and L.P. Tiwari (2017). “Genetic components analysis of F1 and F2 generations for seed yield and its components traits in yellow sarson (Brassica rapa var. yellow sarson)”. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 6(9): 183-186. T-048 5.03
16. Amit Tomar, Mahak Singh and L.P. Tiwari (2018). “Inbreeding depression and heterotic response analysis for seed yield and its attributes in yellow sarson”. International Journal of Fauna and Biological Studies. 5 (3): 118-122. I-217 4.00
17. Amit Tomar, Mahak Singh and L.P. Tiwari (2018). “Combining ability (GCA & SCA), heterosis and inbreeding depression analysis for qualitative traits in yellow sarson (Brassica rapa var. yellow sarson)”.  Journal of Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry. 7 (3): 2165-2170.


J-371 5.21
          18. Amit Tomar, Mahak Singh and L.P. Tiwari (2018). “Heterotic response, Inbreeding depression and Combining ability (GCA & SCA) effects analysis for seed yield and its component traits in yellow sarson (Brassica rapa var. yellow sarson)”. International Journal of Pure & Applied Bioscience”. SPI: 6 (1): 38-46. I-296 4.74
19. Jagdish Prasad Chaurasiya, Mahak Singh, R K Yadav, Lokendra Singh and Hitesh Chand Yadav (2018) Genetics analysis for estimates components of genetic variance in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss)”. The Pharma innovation Journal 2018; 7(2):104-107. J-371 5.21
20. Jagdish Prasad Chaurasiya, Mahak Singh, R K Yadav, Lokendra Singh (2018) Hetrosis and Combining ability analysis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss)”. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry  2018; 7(2):604-609. J-371




21. Sunder Pal, D. K. Singh and Ram Singh Umrao (2018). Population of dynamics of insect pests in management  and eco-friendly management of Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) in             Uttrakhand. Int.  J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 7(7):324-331. C-173 5.38
22. Omendra Sharma, D. K. Singh and Jagdish Kishor (2018).Relative resistance of different genotypes of mustard against Aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach). Trends in             Biosciences  11(23):3164-3166. T-088 3.94
23. Omendra  Sharma, D. K. Singh and Jagdish Kishor (2018).  Screening of Brassica genotypes        for resistance to against mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) based on Aphid Infestation Index under natural condition.. Trends in Biosciences 11(23):3205-3210.    T-088 3.94
24. Sunder pal, D K Singh,  Ram Singh Umrao and Omendra  Sharma (2018). Eco- Friendly             Management of tomato fruit borer, Helicoverpa armigera under Hill condition, Uttrakhand,     India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.sci (10):3008-3013.


   C-173 5.38
25. Amit Tomar (2019). “Genetic diversity analysis for qualitative and quantitative traits in Indian mustard (Brassica junceaL. Czern&Coss) under normal sowing condition in Bundelkhand region”.International Archive of Applied Science and Technology (IAAST). Vol: 10 (4): 21-25. I-134 4.45
26. Amit Tomar and D.K. Upadhyay (2019). “Genetic divergence analysis in Mung bean (Vigna radiate L. Wilczek)”. International Journal of Agricultural Invention.4 (1): 66-70.      I-160        3.99
27. Amit Tomar (2019). “Genetic components analysis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern&Coss) under Saharanpur districts”. International Journal of Agricultural Invention. 4(1): 105-108.



I-160 3.99
28. Anurag Tripathi, Mahak Singh and Amit Tomar (2019). “Selection parameter analysis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss) germplasm under normal sown condition”. Journal of Pharmacognocy and Phytochemistry. 8 (1) : 1551-1553. J-371 5.21
29. Anurag Tripathi, Mahak Singh and Amit Tomar (2019). “Genetic diversity analysis for qualitative & quantitative traits in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss)”. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 8 (1) : 637-639. T-048 5.03
30. Rajendra Kumar, Amit Tomar and Mahak Singh (2019). “Analysis of variances and mean performance in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern&Coss)”. International Journal of Agricultural Invention.4(1): 95-99.      I-160 3.99
31. Ankit Kumar and Amit Tomar (2020). Selection of best lines and hybrids on the basis of genetic variability analysis in maize (Zea mays L.). International Journal of Agricultural Invention & Reseach, 5(1): 16-22. I-160 3.99
32. Mahak Singh and Amit Tomar (2020). Combining ability (gca & sca) and heterotic response analysis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss) under Bundelkahnd region. International Journal of Agricultural Invention, 5(1): 57-63. I-160 3.99
33. Ram Avtar, Mahak Singh and Amit Tomar (2020). Genetic components analysis in Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss). Internationa Journal of Agricultural Invention. 4(2): 175-181. I-160 3.99
34. Manish Srivastava, Mahak Singh and Amit Tomar (2020). Selection parameter analysis in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czern & Coss). ). Internationa Journal of Agricultural Invention. 4(2): 222-228. I-160 3.99
35. Dependra Rawal, Amit Tomar and Mahak Singh (2020). Genotype x Environment interaction analysis in Wheat (Triticum aestivumL.). International Journal of Agricultural Invention, 5(1): 128-132. I-160        3.99
36. Amardeep, Shweta, Singh, Mahak, Singh, Lokendra and Malik, piyush.(2020) Correlation and genetic divergence analysis for seed and fodder yield and its contributing charecter in oat (Avena sativa L.) Int. pure App. Biosci.7(3):471-477. I-317 4.74
37. Deepak Singh, D.K.Singh, Arun Kumar and Sucharu Singh (2020) Seasonal incidence of insect pests              on Rapeseed-mustard, Int.J. Curr-microbial App. Sci. 9(4): xx-xx I-201 5.38
38. Deepak Singh Pal, D.K.. Singh, Sindhe Pravin Gautam and Arun Kumar (2020). Bio-rational        management of mustard aphid, (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt). International Journal of Chemical Studies:8(2)2554-2557. I-187 5.31
39. Deepak Singh Pal, D.K.. Singh, Arun  Kumar and Sindhe Praveen  Gautama  (2020). Effect of Bio-rational approaches for management of mustard aphid, (Lipaphis erysimi Kalt) on seed yield and its economics.  journal of  entomology and Zoology Studies 8(3): 255-258.


  J-187 5.53



Seed Hub

Head Of Department:

Sl. No. Name Designation Telephone / Mobile E-mail
1. Prof. Mahak Singh Prof & Head 9451873875
For more details
S. No. Name of Post with payscale Name of the Scientist with payscale Qualification
1. Sr. Breeder  (Project Leader)



Dr. Mahak Singh



M.Sc.(Ag), Ph.D.
2. Pathologist





3. Entomologist


Level- 13A

Dr. D.K. Singh


Level- 13A

M.Sc.(Ag), Ph.D.
4. Biochemist



Dr. Nand Kumar



M.Sc.(Ag), Ph.D.
5. Jr. Plant Physiologist



Dr. Manoj Mishra



M.Sc.(Ag), Ph.D.