Chandra Shekhar Azad

Practical Manuals

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Sr. No. Course Name Course Code View/Download
Fundamental of Entomology (Ag.) ENT-121 View/Download
Beneficial Insect farming  (Ag.) SEC- 211 View/Download
Pests of Crops and stored Grains and their Management (Ag.) ENT-311 View/Download
Management of Beneficial Insect (Ag.) ENT-321 View/Download
Insect Pests of Fruits, Plantation, Medicinal and Aromatic Crops (Horti.) PPH- 221 View/Download
Nematodes of Horticultural crops and their Management(Horti.) PPH- 213 View/Download
Apiculture, Sericulture and Lac Culture(Horti.) PPH- 321 View/Download
Insect Pests of Vegetable, Ornamental and Spice Crops(Horti.) PPH- 322 View/Download

Practical Manuals for PG

Sr. No. Course Name Course Code View/Download
Insect Morphology ENT- 501 View/Download
Insect anatomy and Physiology ENT-502 View/Download
Insect Taxonomy ENT-503 View/Download
Insect Ecology ENT-504 View/Download
Toxicology of Insecticide ENT-506 View/Download
Host Plant Resistance ENT-507 View/Download
Pests of Field Crops ENT-509 View/Download
Techniques In Plant Protection ENT-518 View/Download