Practical Manual ENT-121 ‘Fundamentals of Entomology’ |
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Practical Manual (ENT- 311) ‘Pests of crops and stored grains and their management’. |
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Practical Manual (ENT- 312) Principles of Integrated Pest and Disease & Doseases management. |
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Practical Manual (ENT-321) Mangement of Beneficial Insects. |
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Fruit Borer of Tomatto Helicoverpa Armigrera by Dr. Omendra Sharma Deptt. of Entomology. |
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Insect pests of Brinjal/Egg Plant and their management by Dr. Omendra Sharma Deptt. of Entomology. |
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Insect pests of Mango and their management by Dr. Omendra Sharma Deptt. of Entomology. |
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Insect major pest of solanaceous crop by Dr. Omendra Sharma Deptt. of Entomology. |
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Major insect pest of Potato and their management by Dr. Omendra Sharma Deptt. of Entomology. |
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