A research unit for the improvement of vegetable crops in Uttar Pradesh was established by State Government at Alambagh, Lucknow during 1951. After a short span of three years this research unit was shifted from Lucknow to Kalyanpur, Kanpur in 1954 under the supervision and administrative control of Late Dr. Y. R. Mehta, Horticulturist, U.P. Govt.. Subsequently in the year 1962, the vegetable research scheme was strengthened with the creation of a post of Economic Botanist (Vegetables). Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Dehi granted permission to start research work at CSAUA&T, Kalyanpur as a sub – centre under AICRP Vegetables w.e.f. 1971-72. In the beginning most of the vegetable crops like Brinjal, Pea, Tomato, Chilli, Okra, Cauliflower, French bean, Radish, Cucurbits, Onion and Garlic were the part of the programmes. Under AICRP (Vegetable crops), major emphasis was given on varietal improvement, standardization of improved production technologies and vegetable seed production programme. Government of India has also sanctioned a project on “Breeder Seed Production of Vegetable crops” Recognizing the importance role of this centre in vegetable seed production programme, ICAR sanctioned a project on vegetable breeder seed production to this university as a new centre during 2010-11under AICRP- NSP which later on merged with main project i.e. AICRP (V.C.). In the year 2008-09 a major breakthrough was witnessed as ICAR granted main centre status to Kalyanpur for doing research on onion and garlic under All India Network Research Project on Onion & Garlic and potato under AICRP on potato. Till today more than 55 high yielding varieties of different vegetable crops have been developed and released for general cultivation by State/Central Variety Release Committee. Besides this, more than seventy two different recommendations have been made on improved vegetable production and plant protection technologies for the benefit of farmers’ of the State. To popularize the cultivation of seed spices in the state as well as to achieve the aim of self-reliance in spices production at national level, quality seed production of high yielding varieties and the development programmes like technology transfer through FLDs, seminar/ workshops and farmers training are also being undertaken by the department with the financial assistance from Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development, Calicut, Kerala.
This vegetables research section was upgraded as department of Vegetable Science during 2002-03 and started giving degree in M.Sc. and Ph.D. (Agriculture) in Vegetable Science and this continued till 2011-12. After words from academic session 2016-17, admission of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students was again initiated and now the degree is being awarded as M.Sc. (Horticulture) Vegetable Science and Ph.D. (Horticulture) Vegetable Science under the college of Horticulture. Both farm and instructional facilities are available for undertaking the quality research and imparting quality education to the postgraduate students. This department has distinction to be identified as “Centre of Excellence on Vegetables” in the year 2018 by Department of Agricultural Education and Research, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
In order to promote the use of green energy i.e. energy which does not pollute the environment and is renewable in nature, department of vegetable science has taken the lead in the university. During March 2021 online solar panel of 50 KW capacity has been installed on the roof of department’s building which has become now functional and started supplying solar energy. Besides this all the fields of vegetable research farm has been connected with underground irrigation pipeline in order to enhance the water use efficiency and minimize the water losses.
To contribute significantly towards achieving the nutritional and livelihood security of India through the development of sustainable, economically viable and environmentally safe technologies of vegetables production.
S. No. | Crops | Varieties/Hybrids |
1. | Brinjal | Kalyanpur Type-3, Azad B-1, Azad B-2, Azad B-3, Azad Kranti and Azad Hybrid |
2. | Tomato | Kalyanpur Angoorlata, Kalyanpur Type-1, Azad T-2, Azad T-3, Azad T-5, Azad T-6, Azad T-8, KTH-1(Hybrid) and KTH-2 (Hybrid) |
3. | Pea | Azad P-1, Azad P-2, Azad P-3, Azad P-4 and Azad P-5 |
4. | Okra | Azad Bhindi -1, Azad Bhindi -2, Azad Bhindi -3 (Azad Krishna)-Red coloured Capsules and Azad Bhindi-4 (Azad Mohini) |
5. | Chilli | Azad Mirch-1, Azad Achar Mirch-2, KCH-3 (Hybrid), |
6. | Sponge gourd | Kalyanpur Hari Chikni, Azad Torai Chikni-1 And Azad Torai -2 |
7. | Bottle gourd | Kalyanpur Long Green, Azad Harit, Azad Nutan and Azad Sankar Lauki-1 (Hybrid) |
8. | Bitter gourd | Kalyanpur Baramasi(Long fruited) and Kalyan Sona |
9. | Pumpkin | Azad Pumpkin-1 |
10. | Cucumber | Kalyanpur Green |
11. | Sem | Type-2, Rajni, and Azad Sem-1 |
12. | Rajmah | Azad Rajmah-1 |
13. | Lobia | 5269 |
14. | Onion | Kalyanpur Red Round |
15. | Radish | Kalyanpur No.-1 |
16. | Turmeric | Azad Haldi-1 |
17. | Colocasia | Azad Arvi-1 |
18. | Coriander | Azad Dhania-1 and Azad Dhania-2 |
19. | Fennel | Azad Saunf-1 |
20. | Fenugreek | Azad Methi-1 & Azad Methi-2 (Azad Arunima) |
21. | Ajwain | Azad Ajwain -1 |
22. | Nigella | Azad Kalaunji -1 |
23. | Zimikand | Azad Suran-1 |
S. No. | Details of Technology |
1. | The maximum pod yield (69.68 q/ha) with C:B ratio (1.97) was registered with the application of vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + VAM + Pseudomonas + Trichoderma + Azotobactor in organic farming trial on cowpea. Hence, this treatment is recommended for organic cultivation of cowpea under Kalyanpur condition. (33rd Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at IIVR, Varanasi during 21-24 May, 2015) |
2. | Application of vermicompost @ 2.5 t/ha + half recommended NPK through chemical fertilizers recorded significantly higher green pod yield (83.56 q/ha) of garden pea with B:C ratio of 3.07. Hence, it is recommended for cultivation under Agro-climatic Zone- IV. (34th Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at IARI, New Delhi during 10-13 May, 2016) |
3. | Maximum fruit yield as well as net return was recorded in cropping sequence of okra (77.67 q/ha with C:B ratio 1: 2.52), tomato (227.40 q/ha with C:B ratio 1: 2.58) and cowpea (69.54 q/ha with C:B ratio of 1: 2.30) with the application of vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + VAM + Pseudomonas + Trichoderma + Azaotobactor. Hence, for the above cropping sequence these organic inputs are recommended for the Agro-climatic Zone- IV. (34th Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at IARI, New Delhi during 10-13 May, 2016) |
4. | Maximum green leaves yield of Amaranths (172.63 q/ha) along with benefit cost ratio 2.86 was noticed with the application of vermicompost @ 5 t/ha + PSB + Azospirillum @ 5 kg/ha each. Hence, it is recommended for amaranth production under Agro-climatic Zone- IV. (34th Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at IARI, New Delhi during 10-13 May, 2016). |
5. | The organic package for coriander-radish sequence consists of growing coriander cv. Pant Haritima and radish cv. Japanese White with the application of 100 % recommended dose of nitrogen through vermicompost + IIHR microbial consortium @ 12.5 kg/ha was found suitable for realizing optimum yield and highest B:C ratio. Hence, it is recommended for agro-climatic condition of Zone- IV. (35th Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at IIHR, Bangalore during 24-27 June, 2017) |
6. | Based on three years experiment at Kanpur it was concluded that higher seed yield of Okra (15.69 q/ha) was obtained with the application of Azospirillum + Recommended dose of NPK treatment at Kalyanpur condition. (35th Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at IIHR, Bangalore during 24-27 June, 2017) |
7. | In Okra cv. Arka Anamika, pre-emergence application of pendimethalin @ 6ml/L + one hand weeding at 35 days after sowing was found suitable for maximum fruit yield (81.26 q/ha) with highest C:B ratio (2.48). Hence, it is recommended for weed control in the agro-climatic condition of Zone IV. (36th Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at RARI, Jaipur during 18-21 May, 2018) |
8. | Seed coating with carbendazim @ 2 g/kg seed + Imidacloprid @ 2ml/kg seed + micro nutrient mixture @ 20 g/kg seed in tomato cv. T-6 recorded the maximum seed germination (92%), and vigour under Kalyanpur condition. CD and CV of pooled data is 1.05 (at 5%) & 5.78. Hence, it is recommended for tomato.(36th Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at RARI, Jaipur during 18-21 May, 2018) |
9. | Three hand weeding at 20, 40 and 60 days after sowing in vegetable pea cv. Azad Pea-3 recorded highest seed weight, seed yield (15.95 q/ha)and quality attributes with cost benefit ratio of 1:2.48 under Kanpur condition. (36th Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at RARI, Jaipur during 18-21 May, 2018) |
10. | Integrated nutrient management package for French bean cv. Azad Rajmah-1 with the application of 75% NPK through inorganic source + 25% N through vermicompost was found suitable for realizing optimum green pod yield (77.08 q/ha) and highest B:C ratio (2.67). Hence, it is recommended for agro-climatic condition of Zone- IV. (37th Group Meeting of AICRP on Vegetable Crops held at TNAU, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu during 22-25 June, 2019) |
11 | Prophylactic spray (at the time of canopy closure) of mancozeb @ 0.25 % followed by cymoxanil + mancozeb @ 0.3% at the time of disease appearance and one more spray with mancozeb @ 0.25 % after 8-10 days of second spray is recommended for the management of potato late blight in Kanpur region of Uttar Pradesh. (Department of Agriculture/Horticulture, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh and AICRP (Potato) Kanpur Centre-2018-19. |
12 | Application of ZN @ 1.5 kg/ha in potato for Kanpur condition may be recommended (Department of Agriculture/Horticulture, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh and AICRP (Potato) Kanpur Centre-2016-17. |
13 | In Kanpur areas of Uttar Pradesh there is a serious problem of common scab and farmers are not following tuber seed treatment practice developed by ICAR-CPRI, Shimla for the management of common scab. Therefore, it was decided that Kanpur center will demonstrate recommended technology at farmers field (five FLDs) on management of common scab using tuber seed treatment with boric acid (3%) in nearby areas. (AICRP Center, Kanpur) |
14 | Metribuzin @ 0.75 kg/ha either as pre-emergence or as post–emergence at 10% plant emergence was equally effective and comparable to manual hand weeding to control the weeds in potato across the locations. Hence, application of metribuzin @ 0.75 kg/ha either as pre-emergence or as post–emergence at 10% plant emergence can be recommended for effective weed control in potato Kanpur (Department of Agriculture/Horticulture, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh and AICRP (Potato) Kanpur Centre. |
15 | Prophylactic spray of mancozeb @ 0.2%, followed by second spray of (fenamidone + mancoozeb) 0.3% after seven days and a third spry with mancozeb @ 0.2% after 7 days of the second spray is recommended for the control of late blight in West Bengal and Eastern Uttar Pradesh under moderate disease pressure. (Department of Agriculture/Horticulture, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh and AICRP (Potato) Kanpur Centre. |
16 | Bio-fumigation by incorporating one month old Indian Mustard crop (Seed rate 5 kg/ha) just before the planting of potato crop is recommended for management of black scurf and common scab in Central and Eastern Uttar Pradesh. (Department of Agriculture/Horticulture, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh and AICRP (Potato) Kanpur Center. |
17 | At Kanpur drenching of Fenamidone + Mancozeb @ 0.25% in the nursery may be recommended in Chilli variety G-4. |
18 | At Kalyanpur integrated management module comprising of seed treatment with Captan 50%wp (2g/kg) + drenching with fosetyl aI 80% wp @ 0.1% immediately after germination + spray with copper hydroxide 77%wp (2g/l) at 3-4 leaf stage in nursery and main field treatment (Seedling dip with 0.1% (Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% WP) + spray with Acephate 75% WP @ 1.5 g/l on 10 days after transplanting + spray with Fipronil 5% SC@ 1.5 ml/l on 20 DAT +spray with Copper hydroxide 77%WP (2.0g/l) on 25 DAT + spray Imidacloprid 70% WG @ 2g/15L on 40 DAT + spray with Fenamidone 10% + Mancozeb 50% WDG (0.25) two to three times from 45 DAT at 10 days interval was found most effective in the management of tomato diseases damping off (5.8%), early blight (1.4%), mosaic (2.2%), Fusarim wilt (4.3%) with collar rot (1.7%) late blight (9.5%), early blight (8.6%), mosaic (5.4%), Fusarium wilt (5.5%), collar rot (4.4%) with BC ratio of 4.0 may be recommended. |
19 | At Kalyanpur spraying with mixture of ferrous Sulphate @ 0.2%, calcium nitrate@ 0.2% and boron @ 0.1%, gave maximum seed yield (122.45 kg/ha) with highest BC ratio (2.35) in Chilli var. Azad Mirch-1 Hence, it is recommended for Kanpur (zone-IV) conditions. |
Students qualified in SRF/NET/ARS Examination:
Name of the student | Id. No. | Degree | Name of qualified examination | Year |
Durgesh Kumar | HR0-345/19 | Ph.D. | NET | 2019 |
Virendra Kumar | HR0-346/19 | Ph.D. | NET | 2019 |
Arun Kr. Verma | HR-0280/18 | Ph.D. | NET | 2019 |
Mahendra Kr. Yadav | HR-0288/18 | Ph.D. | NET | 2018 |
Ravish Kumar | HR-0281/18 | Ph.D. | NET | 2018 |
Saurabh Dixit | HR-0282/18 | Ph.D. | NET | 2020 |
Satyendra Kumar | HR-0236/17 | M.Sc. | NET | 2018 |
Banke Lal | HR- 0234/17 | Ph.D. | NET | 2018 |
S. No. | Activities / Programmes undertaken | Achievements (No.) (2015 to 2020) |
1 | Practicing Farmer & Farm Women training organized | 162 |
2 | Rural Youth training organized | 32 |
3 | Radio Talks broadcast and T.V. shows telecast | 102 |
4 | Farmers Fair & Agriculture Exhibition Organized | 16 |
5 | Field days organized | 178 |
6 | Exposure visits arranged | 22 |
7 | FLDs/demonstrations were conducted | 460 |
8 | Sight Seeing organized | 58 |
9 | Group discussion organized | 108 |
10 | Farmers-Scientist interface organized | 38 |
11 | Participation as an expert or subject specialist in Training, Goshthi, Conference, Field day, Seminar, Kisan Mela, Exposure visit etc. at various levels organized by line department and other agencies. | 412 |
12 | Farm advisory services at on and off campus | 232 |
13 | Newspaper coverage | 238 |
Title of the project | Year | Funding agency | Achievement s |
Establishment of Potato Research Centre at Kalyanpur | 2015-17 | RKVY, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of U.P. | Infrastructures have been developed. |
Bio-efficacy on evaluation of poly-4 (polyhalite) in Onion for enhanced yield and potassium use efficiency | 2018-19 | Sirius Minerals Plc, North Yorkshire, U.K. | Modules for potassium nutrient application in onion have been developed. |
Participatory Vegetable Seed Production to Enhance Vegetable Production in U.P. | 2015-2018 | RKVY, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of U.P. | 5000 quintal of foundation quality seed of different vegetables was produced. |
Organic farming technology dissemination and diffusion on vegetable growers fields | 2017-2020 | RKVY, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of U.P. | 300 vermi production units were established. |
Establishment and popularization of improved varieties /hybrids of vegetable and their agro techniques to enhance vegetable production in U.P. | 2017-2018 | RKVY, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of U.P. | Farmers promotional programmes were organized for the purpose. |
Strengthening of vegetable research station, Kalyanpur, Kanpur | 2017-2019 | RKVY, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of U.P. | Infrastructures have been established. |
Centre of Advanced Agricultural Science & Technology on Nutritional Crops | 2017-2020 | RKVY, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of U.P. | Renovation work completed and research & HRD programmes are going on. |
Establishment of Centre of Excellence for Vegetables | 2017-2020 | RKVY, Department of Agriculture, Govt. of U.P. | Seedling rising and R&D programme is going on. |
The Vegetable section, Kalyanpur, has been the premier vegetable research station of the state and has contributed enormously to the welfare of vegetable growers. Presently research work on most of the vegetable crops is being carried out by the competent faculties with the support of All India Coordinated Research Project and All India Network Research Project, DASD and non-plan grants. This research section on vegetables was upgraded as department of Vegetable Science during 2002-03 and started giving degree in M.Sc. and Ph.D. (Agriculture) in Vegetable Science and this continued till 2011-12. After words from academic session 2016-17, admission of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students was again initiated and now the degree is being awarded as M.Sc. (Horticulture) Vegetable Science and Ph.D. (Horticulture) Vegetable Science under the college of Horticulture. Both farm and instructional facilities are available for undertaking the quality research and imparting quality education to the postgraduate students. In addition to practical’s, hands on training are also provided to students for the protective cultivation of Vegetables in poly houses and the storage of Onion and Garlic.
This department has distinction to be identified as “Centre of Excellence on Vegetables” in the year 2018 by DARE, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
In order to promote the use of green energy i.e. energy which does not pollute the environment and is renewable in nature, department of vegetable science has taken the lead in the university. During March 2021 online solar panel of 50 KW capacity has been installed on the roof of department’s building which has become now functional and started supplying solar energy. Besides this all the fields of vegetable research farm has been connected with underground irrigation pipeline in order to enhance the water use efficiency and minimize the water losses.
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Poly house- (440 sq. meter each) | Net house- (20 X 13.5 meter) |
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Go down/store room | Hardening chamber (200 sq. meter) |
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Pre-cool chamber (200 sq. meter) | Onion garlic storage- (10.5 X 4.5 meter) |
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Vermi-compost production unit | 50 KW. Online solar system |
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Conference room | Laboratory and classroom |
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50 KW. Online solar system | Insect proof net house |
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Poly house with fan pad system | Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse (Soil less media) |
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Underground irrigation pipeline | General view |
The department offers various undergraduate and postgraduate courses of vegetable science. The M.Sc. and Ph.D. students of the department usually study minor in Genetics and Plant Breeding, Entomology and Seed science & Technology in addition to Agricultural Statistics and Economics as supporting ones. The department has adopted course curricula recommended by 5th ICAR Deans’ Committee at UG level from 2016-17 academic session, while the course curricula for postgraduate degree are as per the recommendations of National Core Group. About 8-10 students in M. Sc. programme and 4-6 students in Ph.D. programme are being admitted through Combined Agriculture and Technology Entrance Tests (CATET) every year including ICAR quota (NTS / JRF/ SRF) and foreign students nomination.
Course No. | Course title | Credit hours |
Under Graduate Courses – B. Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture | ||
VSC-221 | Spices and condiments | 3 |
VSC-222 | Precision farming and protected cultivation | 3 |
VSC-311 | Breeding of vegetable, tuber and spices | 3 |
VSC-312 | Potato and tuber crops | 2 |
VSC-321 | Seed production of vegetable, tuber & spices | 3 |
HEL-422 | Protected cultivation of high value horticultural crops | 10(0+10) |
HOR-211 | Production technology of vegetable and spices | 2 |
ELP-427 | Organic crop production technology | 10(0+10) |
M.Sc. Horticulture, Vegetable Science | ||
Major | ||
VGS 501 | Production technology of cool season vegetable crops | 3(2+1) |
VGS 503 | Breeding of Vegetables | 3(2+1) |
VGS 512 | Experimental design | 3(2+1) |
VGS-502 | Production Tech. of warm Season Vegetable Crops | 3(2+1) |
VGS-504 | Growth and Development of Vegetable Crops | 3(2+1) |
VGS-505 | Seed Production Tech. of Vegetable Crops | 3(2+1) |
VGS-507 | Production Tech. of Under Exploited Vegetable Crops | 2(1+1) |
VGS - 508 | Organic Vegetable Production Technology | 2(1+1) |
VGS-509 | Fundamentals of Processing of Vegetables | 2(1+1) |
VGS-506 | Breeding of Vegetables | 3(2+1) |
VGS-591 | Master seminar | 1(1+0) |
VGS-599 | Master research | 20 |
Minor | ||
GPB-503 | Principals of plant breeding | 3(2+1) |
SST-507 | Seed quality testing | 3(2+1) |
ENT-510 | Principal of pest management Vegetable Crops | 2(1+1) |
Total credit hours | 56 | |
Ph.D. Vegetable Science | ||
Major | ||
VGS-601 | Advances in Vegetable Production | 3(2+1) |
VGS-602 | Advances in breeding of Vegetable | 3(2+1) |
VGS-603 | Protected Cultivation of Vegetable Crops | 2(1+1) |
VGS-604 | Biotechnology of vegetable crops | 3(2+1) |
VGS-605 | Seed Production Tech. of Vegetable Crops | 3(2+1) |
VGS-606 | Production Technology of Under-exploited Veg. Crops | 2(1+1) |
VGS-691 | Seminar | 1 |
VGS-699 | Ph.D. Research work | 45 |
Minor and supporting | ||
ENT-607 | Advances in biological control | 2(1+1) |
ENT-609 | Plant nematode relationship | 2(1+1) |
GPB-603 | Hetrosis Breeding | 3(2+1) |
AES-605 | Agriculture statistics | 3(2+1) |
GPB-606 | Plant genetic resource | 2(1+1) |
AES-602 | Agriculture production economics | 3(2+1) |
Total credit hours | 77 |
Name | : | Dr. Keshav Chandra Arya (Incharge )(01.03.2025) | |
Date of Birth | : | - | |
Designation | : | Professor | |
College Department | : | College / Department Vegetable Science, Kalyanpur | |
Contact Info | |||
Office Info | Personal Info | ||
Mobile: - Email : vegetable@csauk.ac.in Email : | Mob : - Email : |
Name | : | Dr. RAJIV | ![]() |
Date of Birth | : | 15-07-1969 | |
Designation | : | Vegetable Agronomist | |
CollegeDepartment | : | College of Agriculture Department of Vegetable Science | |
Contact Info | |||
Office Info | Personal Info | ||
Phone : – Mobile: : – Email : : – | Phone : – Mobile: 08765600151 Email : rajiv.agro69@gmail.com | ||
See More Details |
Name | : | Dr. SANJIVE KUMAR SINGH | ![]() |
Date of Birth | : | 25-12-1966 | |
Designation | : | Assistant Professor | |
CollegeDepartment | : | College of Horticulture Department of Vegetable Science | |
Contact Info | |||
Office Info | Personal Info | ||
Phone : Mobile: : Email : | Phone : 0512-2575324 Mobile: 09450937817 Email :sanjive.csau@gmail.com | ||
See More Details |
S.N. | Name | Designation | Photo |
1. | Dr. P.K Singh | Professor | ![]() |
4. | Dr. P.K.Tiwari | Assistant Professor | ![]() |
5. | Dr. I.N.Shukla | Assistant Professor | ![]() |
6. | Dr. Sanjeev Kr. Singh | Assistant Professor | ![]() |
7. | Dr. Ramesh Singh | Virologist | |
8. | Dr. Rajiv | Agronomist | ![]() |
9. | Sri. U.C. Mishra | Agronomist | ![]() |
S. No.> | Technical staff | ||
1. | Dr.V.K.Yadav | Staff | |
2. | Sri. N.S. Kushwaha | Staff | |
3. | Sri. S.D. Dutta | Statistician | |